100% Natural and Keep Dental Problems Away

Dabur Red Paste is packed with the power of ingredients like Laung Pudina & Tomar. 

It is the first-ever toothpaste which thereby providing you healthy teeth.

Its superior formulation that has been scientifically validated has made Dabur Red Paste the prefered oral care brand for millions of Indians. 

No wonder that Dabur Red Toothpaste has become a Rs 100 crore brand within just five years of its birth.

Oral Care is critical, not just for a radiant smile, but also because unhealthy gums and teeth can lead to other health problems. 
A routine of oral care with regular brushing, flossing and rinsing is a must. 
So make it your routine, with help from Dabur’s range of Oral Care products -- designed to suit every individual’s special needs.