Shred Up : Extreme Fat Shredder Carb and Sugar Eater

Shred Up : is Phase 2 of your Fat Burning Regimen, Phase 1 is Lean Up which you would take either first thing in the day or before working out. Shred Up you would take early afternoon or following your workout routine. Shred Up continues on your Fat Burning Regimen by Shredding Up everything else Lean Up may have missed each day. Together Lean Up and Shred Up work hard together attacking the fat from different angles and different ways forcing your body to get it all out. Day by Day Lean Up and Shred Up will help you reach your goals and reach them fast.

Shred Up consists of 100 Capsules, 800mg's each. Each dose consists of 3 capsules equaling 2400mg's. Shred Up should be taken after Lean Up to continue on your fat burning goals. Do not take Shred Up 4hrs before bed. Shred Up consists of 12 ingredients that will get you that Shredded Up Body ! First we have .....

White Kidney Bean Extract 100:1 Meaning our White Kidney Bean Extracted has been concentrated 100 times stronger than the leading brand meaning further it would take 100 capsules of the competition to equal 1 capsule of our White Kidney Bean Extract 100:1.  100:1 simply means it takes 100lbs of White Kidney Bean Extract to make 1lb of our White Kidney Bean Extract 100:1 providing the customer the best benefits it can offer. White Kidney Bean Extract contains a protein called a-amylase blocker that blocks the breakdown and digestion of starch, In humans, this protein has been claimed to Act as a Carbohydrate absorption blocker, Helps burn fat reserves, Suppresses the appetite, and reduces blood sugar and insulin spikes after meals. Additionally this ingredient contains lectin which also suppresses the appetite. 

Peruvian Maca Extract 10:1 has been concentrated to a strength 10 times its regular strength for optimum performance. Maca is highly nutritious and has several important vitamins and minerals. It also is a great source of fiber and contains various plant compounds including glucosinolates and polyphenols which are great for the human body with there added benefits. Maca has been known to increase sexual desire in both women and men and increases the libido. Maca has been known to increase sperm quality and sperm quantity in men. Maca relieves the symptoms of menopause as well as protecting bone health and osteoporosis in women. Maca has been known to improve your mood and reduce anxiety and symptoms of depression. Maca proved in many studies has been known to gain muscle, increase strength, boost energy and improve exercise performance and endurance. Maca keeps your metabolism and thyroid in check, and consists of iron and iodine that help with this. Maca keeps muscles happy in which muscles eat fat, helps your digestion, and is rich in calcium, amino acids, and high doses of potassium.

Fenugreek Extract 10:1 has been concentrated 10 times more powerful than regular 1:1 extract for this product to be highly enhanced. Fenugreek Extract comes from seeds, these seeds are an excellent edition to your weight loss diet. They are beneficial to diabetics, for they are packed with fibre that enables the slow release of sugar. Fenugreek sees cut your belly fat too. Galactomannan, a component found in Fenugreek Seeds suppresses the appetite, boost metabolism and digestion. These seeds also improve insulin activity which helps facilitate weight loss. Fenugreek has also been known to boost testosterone in men as well as libido. Fenugreek has also been known to increase breast milk volume in pregnant women. Fenugreek is also great on Appetite Control, in 3 studies participants lost 17% more fat in a 14 day trial. Fenugreek lowers both cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduces heartburn and has been used for thousands of years as an anti-inflammatory. Fenugreek has been an excellent addition to Shred Up. 

Green Tea Extract 20:1 has been concentrated twenty times for its full potential in your fat loss regimen. Green Tea activates the Brown fat in your body. Humans have white and brown fat. The bad fat is our white fat, that's the fat we want to loose. Brown fat in the body burns calories, and helps suck up the white fat out of the body and contributes to improved insulin levels. Green Tea Extract activates and turns on your Brown Fat to simply do its job. Green Tea Extract also shrinks your fat cells. The compounds in green tea called catechizes actually help and activate your fat cells to shrink. Green Tea Extract has also been known to blast belly fat, with its potent natural compound called catechin, it revives your metabolism, boosts the breakdown of fat, and blocks the formation of new fat cells. Green Tea regulates blood sugar, and limits the amounts of carbs absorbed by your body after a meal which ultimately improves sugar metabolism. 

Guarana Seed Extract 10:1 has been concentrated 10 times stronger for Shreds Up's ability to greatly enhance your weight loss goals. Guarana Seed is rich in antioxidants. These include caffeine, theobromine, tennis, saponins, and catechines. Guarana reduces fatigue and improves focus, and helps you simply learn better. Guarana boosts your metabolism by 11% over 12hours, which means burning more calories faster, and suppresses genes that aid fat cell production and promotes genes that slow down fat production which in turn is absolutely amazing. Guarana also relieves chronic diarrhea, and treats constipation. Added benefits of Guarana are that it provides pain relief, boosts heart health, improves skin appearance, has anti-bacterial and many other benefits too much to list.

Glucomannan Extract 10:1 has been concentrated ten times stronger for your Shreds Up's performance. Glucomannan has an exceptional ability to absorb water and is one of the most viscous dietary fibers known. It absorbs so much liquid that just a small amount added to a glass of water turns the entire contents into gel. Glucomannan takes up space in the stomach and promotes a feeling of fullness which reduces your food intake at each meal. It delays stomach emptying contributing to increased stomach fullness. Glucomannan also reduces the the absorption of fat. It lowers cholesterol, bad ldl cholesterol, triglycerides, and fasts blood sugar. A great edition to Shred Up. 

Nopal Cactus 10:1 has been concentrated to a strength of 10:1 for its full potential of benefits. Nopal Cactus contains 18 amino acids, full of fiber, and vitamins. Nopal regulates your appetite, reduces the amount of fat in your body by helping your body break down and excrete fat. Nopals amino acid content helps your body pull fluids back from the tissues decreasing cellulite and fluid retention. Nopal provides you with energy, reduces fatigue, moves your bodies glucose to your cells where your body can use the glucose as energy, burning up all that sugar. It slows your digestion of carbs, and your insulin decreases. Another great addition to Shred Up. 

Pine Bark Extract 10:1 has been concentrated ten times to provide you tens times the potential qualities of the extract. Pine Bark is a super antioxidant and anti inflammatory that helps fight free radical damage in your whole body as well as released toxins from the breakdown of body fat in weight loss efforts. Helps in the area of pain in your joints, arthritis, stiffness, chronic fatigue, and prostatitis. Pine Bark improves your circulation, and revitalizes collagen as well as increasing natural testosterone levels providing you with more energy, strength, stamina, muscle size, and libido. 

Kola Nut Extract 10:1 has been concentrated 10 times for ultimate potential. Kola Nuts increase circulation, stimulates heart rate and increases this circulation to boost oxygen to essential parts of the body, including skin, organs, and the brain. Kola Nut improves digestion and nutrient uptake while reducing constipation, bloating, cramping, and more gastrointestinal issues. Boosts the immune system, fights bacterial infections and prevents many diseases. Kola nuts consists of natural caffeine creating more energy within, and these nuts are connected with increased fat burning in the body, and increases metabolism. 

Sage 10:1 concentrated ten times stronger for added benefits. Sage is loaded with vitamins and minerals and has been used for centuries as a antioxidant and diuretic. Sage stimulates the metabolic rate, and has stimulant properties, resulting in a higher rate of burning calories, while it helps flush our toxins and waste buildup in the body, enabling you to see quick results.

Astralagus Extract 10:1 has been concentrated ten times stronger in Lean Up. Astralagus contains antioxidants which protect your body against damage, supports and protects the immune system, protects the liver, prevents colds and respiratory infections, lowers blood pressure and used as a anti inflammatory however Astralagus has been shown to improve sugar metabolism and reduce blood sugar levels which results in weight loss. However one added huge benefit of Astralagus Extract is its potential to allow ingredients to be absorbed much more efficiently in the body, allowing your cells to absorb all the ingredients in Lean Up and Shred Up for example as much as 60% better meaning faster and stronger results. 

Shilajit Extract 100:1 has been concentrated 100 times, concentrating 100lbs of natural Shilijit into a 1lb Shilajit Powerhouse. Shilijit Cleanses all of your organs making them more efficient and forcing them to work better simply by detoxifying your body of all the toxins and build up that has gathered over the years. Shilajit removes all the harmful chemicals in the bloodstream that you ingest when you eat, and shilajit regulates all the systems in your body. Shilajit naturally decreases the appetite, as well as increasing the appetite. Shilajit increases stamina, is full of so many vitamins and minerals it is simply too much to list and helps ingredients and foods taken with it to be absorbed well into the body.

Citrus Atrium is an amazing Thermogenic to the human body, heating your body up and burning calories. Citrus Atrium contains beta agonists and has been reported to aid in weight loss dramatically. Citrus Atrium combined with Caffeine doubles these effects which is why we added Caffeine to Lean Up. The combination of Caffeine and Citrus Atrium leads to high amounts of Fat loss in individuals taking it. The metabolic rates in humans while on Caffeine and Citrus Atrium greatly increase which the quenching of the appetite seems to simply get better and better. Caffeine by itself increases energy production in the body and stimulates the metabolism.

Vitamin b complex provides Women an added energy boost, ease nausea, and lower the risk of developing preeclampsia. In Men b vitamins have been known to increase testosterone levels allowing you to build muscle and increase strength.

For both men and women, vitamin b complex protects cell health, growth of new red blood cells, energy levels, good eyesight, healthy brain function, good digestion, hormones and cholesterol production, cardiovascular health, muscle tone, and absorption of vitamins, minerals, and ingredients.

Use Shred Up with Lean Up for Best Results !