Aegle Marmelos
( 100 Seeds )

Botanical nomenclature: aegle marmelos
Common name: marmeleiro da india, bengal marmeleiro, bael fruit, golden apple.
Family: rutaceae
Origin: north of india
Height: 8 - 18 meters

Bael is a middle tree, fresh, aromatic, with edible fruit and huge commercial potential.

The species occur in dry forests in the hills and planicies of north, central and south of india, south of nepal, siri lanka, myanmar, pakistan, bangladesh, vietnam, laos, cambodia and thailand. It is cultivated in all india, as well as in siri lanka, in the north of malaysia peninsula, java, philippines and fiji. She grows wild through the low hills of himachal pradesh, up to altitudes of 1000 meters.

The bael fruit tree has as a reputation in his native area, be able to grow in places which other trees would not be developed. It can deal with a large range of soil conditions (ph 5 - 10), is tolerant to filling, and enormously tolerant to temperatures that can vary (from -7 ° c to 48 ° c).

Tree, relative of the oranges is similar in form and aspect with the same.

Your fruit can be consumed fresh or dry, his pulp is sweet and especially aromatic, with taste of marmelade. In india and asia is very appreciated for the preparation of "sharbat" (a very refreshing drink or ice cream), as well as in the preparation of delicious jellies. The leaves are consumed as a green salad.

The marmeleiro of india is considered a sacred tree in hinduism and the fruit is used in religious rituals. In the cities of "shiva" (great hindu divinity), aegle marmelos leaves symbolize the trident that "shiva" saves in his right hand.

The average yield of fruit by wild tree is 62.5 kg.

Beyond so many other purposes, it is an excellent source of essential oils and also is explored in the cosmetic and perfumery industry.

The bael tree wood is used in the construction of houses, cars, agricultural implements, sculptures; but the tree is too much valuable to be spilled by your wood.

Considering all the properties of this wild tree of fruit, and, believe, are numbered; therefore, there must be a great space for your commercial exploitation or only, make it a part of our backyard.