1649 LAW Justinian Code Codex Fabrianus Savoy Court ROME Latin Favre FOLIO


Antoine Favre was a 16th-century notable jurist from Savoy. Known primarily as the president of the Savoy Court in the late 1500s, Favre published an important work on law – ‘Codex Fabrianus Definitionum Forensium’. This book was a collection of legal reports and court decisions that were based on the famed Justinian Codex.


Item number: #15982

Price: $795


FAVRE, Antoine


Codex Fabrianus definitionum forensium et rerum in sacro Sabaudiae senatu tractatarum, ex ordine titulorum Codicis Justinianei, quantum fieri potuit, ad usum forensem accomodatus, in novem libros distributus.


Lugduni : sumptibus P. et Cl. Rigaud, 1649.



·        Collation: Complete with all pages

o   [16], 1124, [80]

·       Language: Latin

·       Binding: Leather; tight & secure

·       Size: ~14in X 9.75in (35.5cm x 24.5cm)


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