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Expert Rope Magic Made Easy by Daryl - #1, DVD



SKILL LEVEL: Beginner,Intermediate


* Introduction
* Types of Rope
* Preventing the Ends from Fraying
* Basic Knots
* The Overhand Knot
* The Slide-Off Knot
* Construction of the Fake Knot
* Basic Square Knot
* Square Knot at Middle
* Granny Knot
* Quick Slip Knot
* Slow-Motion Slip Knot
* Tips on The Slow-Motion Slip Knot
* The Fake Knot
* Dissolving Knots
* The Tony Lopilato Knot
* The Pull-Away Knot
* Chefalo's Vanishing Knot
* Chefalo's Knot to Loop
* Hunter Bow Knot
* Combination Knot
* Bang-O-Knot
* Dissolving Double Knot
* Grandmother's Necklace
* Basic Grandmother's Necklace
* Explanation of Grandmother's Necklace
* The Cords of Phantasia
* Ropes & Cups
* Improved Grandmother's Necklace
* The Great Coat Escape
* Walking Through Ropes
* With Wrists Tied
* The Knot of Enchantment
* Borrowed Ring Knotted onto Rope
* Bracelet on Rope
* New Bracelet on Rope
* Do As I Do
* The Nautical Puzzle
* Spectacles to Monocles
* The Gambler's Knot
* Betcha Knot
* The Hunter Knot
* Neale's Knot
* Flourish Knots
* One Handed Knot
* One-Handed Necktie Knot
* One-Handed Figure Eight Knot
* Nifty Knots
* Vanishing Knot Flourish 1
* Vanishing Knot Flourish 2
* The Flip Knot
* MGM Flip Knot I
* MGM Flip Knot II
* MGM Flip Knot III
* The Fake Unknot
* The William Tell Knot
* Cut & Restored Rope
* Floyd Thayer's Wizzo
* Rope Saver


Why Learn Magic Tricks: Have you ever been amazed and completely captivated by a magician performing mind-boggling tricks? Have you wondered how they do it? Well, learning magic tricks can be a fun and rewarding experience. Not only can it impress others, but it can also help you make friends, overcome shyness, and develop valuable skills. So, why should you learn magic tricks?

Impressing Others: One of the primary reasons to learn magic tricks is the ability to impress others. Imagine the look of wonder and astonishment on your friends' faces as you perform a seemingly impossible illusion. Magic has a way of captivating people's attention and leaving them amazed. By learning a few tricks, you can become the life of the party, the centre of attention, and leave a lasting impression on everyone around you.

Making Friends: Magic tricks have a unique way of bringing people together. Whether you're performing for a small group or a larger audience, the shared experience of witnessing the impossible can create an instant bond between you and your spectators. People are naturally drawn to mystery and entertainment, and when you can provide both through your magic, you'll find it easier to connect with others and make lasting friendships.

Overcoming Shyness: If you struggle with shyness or social anxiety, learning magic tricks can be a powerful tool for overcoming those challenges. Performing magic requires you to step out of your comfort zone and interact with others. As you practice and perform tricks, you'll gradually build confidence and develop your communication skills. Magic can serve as a bridge to overcome shyness and help you feel more comfortable in social situations.

Developing Valuable Skills: Beyond the entertainment value, learning magic tricks can also provide you with valuable skills that can be beneficial in various areas of your life. From improving your dexterity and hand-eye coordination to enhancing your presentation and public speaking abilities, magic tricks require practice and honing of skills. These skills can translate into other areas, such as business presentations, public speaking engagements, and even sales and negotiation techniques. Moreover, learning magic tricks teaches you the importance of practice, patience, and attention to detail. Becoming a skilled magician requires commitment and persistence. By investing time and effort into mastering illusions, you'll develop discipline and a strong work ethic that can carry over to other endeavours in your life.

ABOUT US: Established in 2004, Dude That's Cool Magic is trusted by magicians world-wide. We Cater to the specialist performer, amateur magician or beginner looking for some easy tricks, our store is bursting with tricks covering all aspects of the art of conjuring including card tricks, close up magic , stage magic, mentalism and street magic.