Turkish miniatures from the period of Hungary's Turkish occupation (1541-1699)

by Geza Feher

Publisher: Corvina Press - Magyar Helikon, Budapest, 1978
147 pages, 33 cm

9 figures plus 51 color plates. Tightly bound and clean.

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Géza Fehér (1890 -1955) is a Hungarian archaeologist.

Son of merchant Zsigmond Weisz and Henrietta Wiesel. He received his doctorate in humanities from the University of Budapest in 1913. In 1924 he obtained a qualification as a private teacher at the University of Debrecen. In 1913–14 he was a teacher in Sepsiszentgyörgy, in 1915–16 in Subotica, and then served in the military. In 1918 he worked at the Hungarian Scientific Institute in Constantinople. Returning home in Budapest, he first became a high school teacher and then an employee of the Eastern Collection of the Budapest Library.