Save time and money! Our 4" colored zip bands fit any breed of bird, so you don't have to buy individual sizes for each breed of bird. These zip ties work great, easy to put on, they don't fall off, one size can accommodate all your flock. Put the end through the head and start the zip to the desired fit. Make sure the band is loose enough it turns easily and slides up and down a bit then, snip off the excess with scissors, and you are done! PLEASE!!! When used on growing birds, watch daily growth. Before the band starts to get tight and replace it with a new one. They can (like all other types of bands) cause problems if allowed to get too tight. Leg bands should always be loose and never tight. When they become barely snug, it’s time to replace them.

Great for all types of birds Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Quails, Pheasants, Peacocks, Pigeons, Partridges, Guinea Fowl and Doves. We offer a wide variety of colors to choose from Red, White, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black, Orange, Grey, Brown, Purple, Mint Green and Pink.