Fengella Fragrance BOSS SUCCESS BUSINESS BEST CAREER Perfume vial Five Elements Crystal Obsidian kristal 五行水晶黑曜石香水贵人成功 

FREEGIFT Gel Hand Sanitizer
With the purchase of any Fengella Fragrance Aura Perfume to get the hand sanitizer for FREE (scent comes in the same selection as the perfume)

Perfume ingredients:
💟 Raw materials are imported directly from France
💟 The only original perfume with five Color elements, crystal Aura, and Numerology principles
💟 The formula is specially formulated by the famous French perfumer-Étienne.
Each scent is unique and easily acceptable by everyone
💟 Feature: Each bottle of perfume is made of carefully selected crystal stones, combined with small Swarovski stones, each bottle is come together with a cute symbolized pendant
💟 Usage: Spray every day on the wrists and behind the ears to let the crystal energy radiate and bless you!
💟 Scent: Fresh Ocean Scent
💟 Packing: 10ml + Wings charm (can be detached to make jewelry)
💟 Each perfume comes with a special edition soft leather blessing bag, which is also beautiful when you take it out~

Use the Five Elements to help you turn better Qi
❤️Pink - FIRE
💙Blue - WATER
💚Green - WOOD
💛Yellow - METAL
🧡Orange - EARTH

📌𝗕𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿 - Success Aura Perfume
💙Blue usually refers to stable
💙Grants you the stability in career and getting chance of getting promoted & success in business
💙Black Obsidian stones: Eliminate negative energy and let you do everything smoothly!
💙Wings pendant: symbolizes fly high, business is prosperous, fame and fortune
💙Numerology for #2 and #7 

💟 原料直接从法国进口
💟 马来西亚唯一独创用五行, 水晶, 风水, 特制的香水
💟 配方是由法国著名调香师 - Étienne 特别调配出独一无二的香味
💟 特色:每瓶香水都是用精选出来的水晶石, 加上施华洛奇石小水钻组成,每一瓶都是独一无二的
💟 用法: 每天喷洒与手腕,耳后,让水晶能量散发,为你加持!
💟 味道: 清新海洋调
💟 包装: 10ml + 翅膀小吊饰 (可拆出做饰品)
💟 每只香水特别附送一个特别版软皮福袋, 带出门也要美美的哦~

🔸利用 #五行帮助你扭转乾坤
❤️粉 - 火
💙蓝 - 水
💚绿 - 木
💛黄 - 金
🧡橘 - 土

💙蓝色: 五行 - 水:代表 聪明,灵活,机灵 
💙黑曜石:能帮助你 #排除负能量,让你做什么事都顺顺过!
💙翅膀吊饰:#展翅高飞, 生意兴旺,名利双收

💙如果你是缺失号码2 或者7 都非常适合利用这款香水去提升你的运势。 

#数字能量学 #五行 #风水 #五行属水 #5elements #Fengshui #perfume #fengellafragrance