
Je mets en vente ces cartes communes L5R CCG issues de,

I am selling these L5R CCG Common cards from,

 Crimson and Jade

Cartes en très bon état !

Grading: Near Mint / Excellent

Envoi Soigné / Neat Shipment

I am also looking for L5R cards, contact me if you want to trade.

Crimson and Jade

Carrier Pigeon (C&J)Catching the Wind's Favor (C&J)Mantis/YA: Mukami (C&J)Sh: Moto Sada (C&J)
Narrow Ground (C&J)Double Chi (C&J)Mantis/YA: Ryosei (C&J)Sh: Oni no Genso (C&J)
One Koku (C&J)Fist of the Earth (C&J)Mantis/YA: Takuni (C&J)Armory (C&J)
Stand Against the Waves (C&J)Gift of the Wind (C&J)Monk: Hitoshi (C&J)Bridged Pass (C&J)
Stand Firm (C&J)Strength of My Ancestors (C&J)Monk: Koichi (C&J)Corrupted Copper Mine (C&J)
Strike of Flowing Water (C&J)The Spirit of Water (C&J)Monk: Norio (C&J)Dragon's Teeth (C&J)
The Fault is Mine (C&J)The Wrath of Osano-Wo (C&J)Monk: Taro (C&J)Engineering Crew (C&J)
Bandit Gang (C&J)Disrupt the Aura (C&J)Naga: Ashamana (C&J)Historian (C&J)
Courier (C&J)Crab: Hiruma Yoshi (C&J)Phoenix: Shiba Shingo (C&J)Island Wharf (C&J)
Kenku Teacher (C&J)Crane: Doji Reju (C&J)Scorpion: Shosuro Sadato (C&J)Prayer Shrines (C&J)
Mounts (C&J)Dragon: Agasha Heizo (C&J)TA: Tsuo (C&J)Tunnel System (C&J)
Peasant Levies (C&J)Lion: Matsu Goemon (C&J)Unicorn: Shinjo Rojin (C&J)Lost Valley (C&J)
Chime of Harmony (C&J)Mantis/YA: Kanbe (C&J)Unl: Kado (C&J)Secluded Ravine (C&J)
A Glimpse of the Soul's Shadow (c&j)Mantis/YA: Masasue (C&J)Unl: Tokiuji (C&J)The Yasuki Estates (C&J)
Tradeposts of the Mantis (C&J)