1967 Texas High School annual with great photographs and text showing the students and faculty, activities and sports, candids and graphics, pictures of school and surrounding, and including visiting young Boxing World Champion Muhammad Ali, then still known as Cassius Clay, who is pictured sparring, in good nature, with a few of the school's amateur pugilists.  Also pictured is student and future guitarist, singer, and songwriter and member of ZZ Top, Billy Gibbons. Top condition yearbook with great pictures and references to the times.

Individually photographed seniors include: kathleen abadie, katherine aiken, linda alexander, robert ablutz, carolyn allbritton, william alton, lana amans, james antill, charles atwill, fayanne aymond, michael ballew, meri-lynn banton, larry barbles, stephen baumgardner, norman bering, adrienne bible, mona blck, mark blackbird, taylor boone, marie bousquet, william bruyere, elizabeth burgwoer, john trois campbell, michael cazalet, lucinda campbell, nancy chickadonz, winsome chin, robert church, robert clemens, charles crady, martha craig, richard cross, anne cravens, mary daniel, cleutus dodd, barbara devine, kathleen drake, seaborn eastland, byron eckhardt, paula edman, dennis ehley, mark eidman, james elder, florence farr, patricick felder, diane fife, mark floyd, raphael ford, michael foulard, beverly frambach, sherry frerking, cheryyl gaines, mark garcia, patricia gieger, jan gieselman, sarah gideon, william gillan, douglas gipson, susan glass, frank glover, cheryl gracey, sherry lee graham, daryl greebon, judy arlene greene, betty gregory, kemlin grier, marc griffis, alice grim, mark guynes, stephen hablinski, minta hacker, karen hamilton, robert haney, stephen hartgrove, john hausladen, john haywood, billy dean heggie, david heillman, jay henderson, barbara ann hihnton, jamesw hobbsjoseph holloman, william hopfe, james hudspeth, kathleen house, donald horton, linda igo, frederick jamail, mary jameson, john q. a. johnson, phillip joyner, sally kalb, sperry kaler, robert keeton, cynthia keller, james kidd, joel king, catherine knight, dorothy knight, charles kubricht, ronald lagrone, linda lambert, kathy lawless, mary jane lawson, john leimbrubler, janet celeste lewis, harrison lingle, bertie long, david lurie, cheryl maderer, mihcael manry, michael mccalmont, john mccarron, barry mcfadin, joan melver, meredith mcmillian, maria mendoza, kenneth milder, margaret montalbano, michael lee morris, stewart morris, sandra morrow, marion mushinske, stewart neblett, gary nicholsonb, james nicklos, ralph noble, dawn north, richard offeman, ann peckham, emory peck, donna paulis, vincent pelatari, donna fae peters, kenneth petty, harry peyton, ijanet phillips, michael lynn pierce, bobby pittman, peggy pollard, john c. porter, sandra pratt, diane pruter, raymond proctor, elizabet4h ramage, dan ramsey, karin rankin, clyde ratliff, rebecca reddicliffe, cynthia reddoch, gus redumis, carol renn, benjamin rhoads, thomas richardson, sheryl reynolds, duane riggs, elizabeth rivette, james luther robertson, cheryl rosen, james rosenfield, alan rosenthal, sherrie marie ross, charles ross, eileen roth, barbara lee ruppert, danny sackett, john sanderford, sandy santa maria, james saunders, stephen saxenian, karen schoaps, donald scotrt, karen scott, linda scroggin, david sears, donald sembera, daniel semones, elizabeth skaggs, frick smith, ellen snyder, sabra smith, robert sowell, becky sparks, robert spear, david sperry, janis starkey, michael snow stevens, david stirton, linda stirton, priscilla stork, patricia summers, janice teague, barbara tenny, susan thompson, walter thompson, robert tilotta, john torode, john trepagnier, charles troncale, rebecca turnbull, john turner, david urdiales, paul urie, patricia vandenbosch, paul vanover, margaret verdin, william ward, sandcra warr, sharon weaver, michael webb, dialtha white, jon wickstrom, dale williams, mary wise, fred wolcott, shereda wolf, robert womack, george woodward, sandra kay woodward, and charles zinnante, 

Excellent condition hardback with tight binding and text and clean pages; with no must or mildew, with very mild wear. Clean and Solid. 

Great rarity giving a great look at the early life and times of "the Greatest" boxer of all time. 

Email or call for any details. Spanky's Archive, since 1986. 

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Spanky's Archive, over 8000 Ebay positive feedback and 30 years in business. 

tickets, guitar, poster, photo, photos, pictures, picture, pic, gibson les paul, section row, Antenna, sunglasses, guitar pick, beard, zz top's first album,  joe frazier, ken norton, george foreman, joe bugner, larry holmes, sonny liston, floyd paterson, ernie terrell, george chuvalo, jerry quarry, chuck wepner, earnie shavers, buster mathis, oscar bonavena, ...