I am a tarot reader on Tik Tok @ BossAssWitch as well as many other social media outlets.  See my channel to learn more about who I am and my readings.

This is not for the purchase of a deck of cards, this is for an intuitive reading/card pull service.

*No Medical, Legal, Pregnancy, or Infidelity Questions Please.  Readings are for entertainment purposes only. 18+ only please.

Twinflames are very rare, but I feel that I have been shown that part of my soul's purpose/destiny (being that I am a Twinflame) is to help other twins; therefore, I do feel that spirit guides Twinflames to me so that I can help them.  With that in mind, I have many decks that are created specifically for the Twinflame journey.

This reading is for people that feel very strongly that they are a Twinflame and would like a reading that is focused more on the twin flame journey than just your typical romantic relationship.  The main focus of this reading will be your relationship with your Twinflame.  The difference between this and the "Classic Reading" is that I will be sure to use some of my TwinFlame decks.  I may also use my general "love" decks, my classic Rider Waite deck, or any other deck that I have that I feel is appropriate to the situation and that I feel called to use.  This reading will have a heavy focus on the Twinflame journey and Twinflame specific messages.  

You can let me know what you are wondering about regarding your Twinflame and the cards will provide more than just a yes or no answer.   The cards will paint a picture based on the cards pulled.  The spirits will use the cards to let you know what you need to hear regarding the situation. 

For this option, you can choose:

$25 - Basic Reading
Approximately 15 - 30 Minute Video
One Question/Topic Covered

I only guarantee that the video will be available for viewing for 30 days from the date that it is posted.

Also keep in mind that there are times when the spirits do not want to reveal a hard answer and may feel that it is best for you not to know the outcome at this time (they may veil the answer because they feel that is in your highest good so that you can learn the lessons that you need to learn).  Also, keep in mind that this will only read the current energy surrounding the situation and the outcome can change based on your mindset and actions (Law of Attraction), as well as changes in other outside influences.

Keep in mind, I might have to reword your question as I see fit to get a more accurate answer.

Disclaimer: Readings are not a substitute for financial, legal, medical or mental health services. Readings are for entertainment purposes only and should never replace the advice of any licensed professional. I will not be held responsible for the client’s true outcomes (financial or personal), actions of any client or incur any damages, responsibility or liability.