This publication is an "historia" of Hon – en katedral (in English: She – a Cathedral) which is one of the monumental sculptures created by French-American artist Niki de Saint Phalle. It was a temporary indoor sculpture installation for the Moderna Museet of Stockholm created in collaboration with Jean Tinguely and Per Olof Ultvedt in 1966.

The front and back covers unfold to display large images measuring 19" X 27". The book measures 11" X 14".

The structure was 25m (82feet) long and 9.1m (30 feet) wide, weighing around 6 tons. A team of eight people working during 40 days was required to build it. This involves building a frame with metal rebar, covering it with chicken wire, sheathing it with fabric attached with smelly animal glue and painting it. The inside was painted in black and the outside was multicoloured. The process is documented in this catalog.

The sculpture has a form of a gigantic pregnant woman, laying on her back with knees raised and heels planted. The spectators could enter the figure through a door-sized vaginal opening between her legs. Once there, they found themselves in a warm, “dark” female body that functioned as an amusement park with a love-seat sofa, a planetarium, a gallery with “fake” artworks, a 12-seat cinema, an aquarium, a milk-bar inside a breast, a fish pond, a coin telephone, a sandwich vending machine, a brain with mechanical parts (by Jean Tinguely), an art installation by Ultvedt, a playground slide for the children and an early Greta Garbo film playing elsewhere.