Color       Running time approximately 96 minutes

LANGUAGE: English       SUBTITLES: Spanish

"No one will mistake Jeff Reigert (Paul Rudd) for Moses or even Charlton Heston, but they all have something in common. Like Moses and Heston, Jeff's job is to introduce  the world to the Ten Commandments. But, in David Wain's loopy comedy "The Ten," he is not exactly the picture of fact, surrounded as he is by gigantic replicas of the famous stone tablets, the genial host to this special presentation is so busy juggling wife Gretchen (Famke Janssen) and girlfriend Liz (Jessica Alba) that he can barely get through a single commandment without breaking one himself.

But that venality is part of the charm of this amiable, outrageous and frequently hilarious biblical parody. Wain and Marino use the commandments as an excuse to indulge in ridiculous, often surreal and sometimes tasteless lives up to the one unbendable commandment of comedy: It's funny."

Quirky interrelated stories. Standing by two tablets, Jeff promises to introduce 10 short stories, each about one of the commandments. A man survives a fall from a plane and his fiancee marries someone else before falling i love with a marionette; a surgeon causes the death of a patient and in prison tries to choose his mate; a woman encounters Jesus in Mexico and later confronts her husband on the Sabbath; twins and their mother reflect on fatherhood; covetous neighbors miss a chance to be heroes, and Jeff's love triangle with Gretchen and Liz plays out between each story. 


Alternate-Take and Deleted-Scene Vignettes - Over 55 minutes

Audio Commentary with David Wain, Ken Marino and Rudd -- Plus Soothing Jazz and David's parents!

Special interview with David Wain, Paul Rudd and Ken Marino,     Exclusive episode of Wainy Days

The Making of The Ten Featurette

"Thou shalt be amused"...Entertainment Weekly

"Hilariously funny!"...The Onion

"Uproariously funny!".,.Chicago Sun Times

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