Revolutionary power flow system, easy to use, effective in operation, with excellent workmanship. The perfect set that will serve for many years.

Classic Eeman copper Biocircuits. Perfect for back pain and for relaxing the whole body.

You will feel your energy balanced, your aura strengthened and you will experience many other positive effects.

Eeman Biocircuits MIDI Armand copper meshes are used at home to restore well-being and deep relaxation and meditation. They do not require power. They are a completely natural method, in line with the balance of the world, a balanced lifestyle and the slow life philosophy.
The set is characterized by excellent workmanship. Manufactured in Poland, manual work using the highest quality materials, such as hand-polished copper.
Eeman Biocircuits MIDI Armand included:
  • Eeman copper grids made of pure copper
  • Special, longer copper electrodes made of pure copper, the length of the Horus wand
  • High-quality connection cables
  • Wooden box
  • Printed instruction
  • 2-year warranty
Description of Eeman's Biocircuits
It is a system that discharges the electrical potentials of the human body, and thus the excess energy of one part of it, to the other part. Eeman's balancing system (originally named Eeman Biocircuits or Eeman Screens) has been known since 1919 thanks to the research of Leo Eugenius Albertus Maria Eeman. This generous explorer first helped himself, and then passed his knowledge to others over the years.
This method is extremely simple and logical at the same time. The excess energy potential is collected by the mesh electrode and sent to the hand via a cable.
Copper Eeman grids do not introduce additional electric potential into the body, so they are completely safe. This method soothes our tensions. Our approach to the method is also important, as is our faith in a method that, by having a positive effect on our health system, can increase our quality of life.
The electrodes used in our Eeman set are hand machined and made of pure copper. Since the times of the pharaohs, copper itself is considered a healing and antiseptic metal, its presence in contact with our body is already healing. Copper is also an excellent conductor of electricity.
Eeman's balancing system user manual
After unpacking the set, insert the banana plug of the cable into the banana socket of the copper mesh electrode.
The other end of the cable, also ended with a banana plug, is inserted into the banana socket of the hand electrode.
Place the electrodes as shown in the drawing. Relaxing music can be used during the session to indulge in complete relaxation.
In the drawing, the person is clothed, but ensure that the electrodes are in contact with the naked body during the therapy session. The therapy is best carried out daily for about 30 minutes.
The electrodes are made using Velcro tape. Keep them in separate bags so that they do not stick together. In contact with textiles, it should be brought into contact with them with an inactive side.
It often happens that medicine is not able to help us. We visit many specialists who commission us to research, and we do not feel the effect. It may be the lack of discharge of energy potentials in our body. However, it should be remembered that in the case of health problems, always refer to doctors for advice, and the Eeman's method should be used additionally, as an aid to medical therapy. Medicine is currently supported effectively by modern pharmacy, but it should also be remembered that almost every drug has side effects. Medicines should be used as indicated by the doctor. But also, to support the healing effects of drugs, the Eeman method can be used. Medicines do not always improve our quality of life.
In such a case, the perfect Eeman method can be used.
Eeman Biocircuits MIDI Armand within the meaning of the Act of May 20, 2010 on Medical Devices (Journal of Laws No. 107, item 679 A), as amended, are not a medical device. The device serves as a support and may be used at the operator's own risk, and the Manufacturer and Distributors are not responsible for the effects of tests and therapies. The use of the device is not a substitute for a medical examination. In case of health problems, always contact your doctor. 

The Armand brand is already well recognized in the world of bioenergotherapy devices around the world.
We produce by hand, in limited quantities, in accordance with ethical principles and care for the environment.
Inspired by nature, we work with the best materials in the world to create innovative bioenergy therapy products only available from us. In line with the principles of modern design, our zapper collection is timeless and functional. We edit the classics, i.e. zappers and other bioenergotherapy products, to the most advanced constructions to reveal the great quality and beauty of the materials used. Craftsmanship rooted in nearly forty years of traditional small-scale family production. These are the perfect zappers.
Nothing will work better for you than the Zapper Armand. That is why we value exceptional quality, perfect workmanship and unparalleled comfort of use. And we have been creating such products for almost four decades.
Our zappers and bioenergy products are handcrafted: for this reason, they can bear minor imperfections. These features, which vary from item to item, are a guarantee of absolute authenticity and handcrafted workmanship.
How do we interpret our work? Craftsmanship is the motto of quality that gives zappers: character, origin and destiny. It is a term that encompasses a range of unique practices, from handcrafted traditional craftsmanship to the latest technology used to create new or innovative designs and products.
Craftsmanship in all its forms requires time, skill and care at every stage of the manufacturing process. The result is products that our customers want to invest in, care for and keep for longer, which is better for them and better for the environment.