Mage Knight Nexus #137 Seeker Elydia Unique Solonavi NEW

Mage Knight Nexus #137 Seeker Elydia Unique Solonavi NEW

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Faction: Solonavi
Leader: Unknown
Racial Composition: Unknown
Origin of Faction: Unknown
Age of Faction: Unknown
Geographic Control: Unknown
Religion: Unknown
Magical Affinity: Unknown
Political Loyalty: Unknown

Beings of ancient power and mysterious origins, the Solonavi offer their superb military capabilities to anyone who is willing to meet their price. Payment for battlefield labors is not in gold or riches, but in fealty, favors and promises.

Little is known about these enigmatic beings. Whether they are part angel, part demon, or part djinn is as much a mystery as their origins. Their desire to manipulate the leaders, mages and Warlords of the Land is without question. When a deal is made with these beings, the mortal ends up feeling a cold chill within their hearts when they seal the agreement—a cold chill that reminds them for the rest of their lives that they owe the Solonavi a debt that will one day need be paid in full. More than once ghostly spirits have been seen accompanying the Solonavi into battle – and mages and scholars alike believe that they were warriors sworn to the Solonavi that didn’t have the chance to pay off their terrible debt before they died.

The Revealment of the Solonavi: The Solonavi have seemingly tipped their hand with recent actions in the Land. Having spent not just years, but seemingly centuries gathering a sizable host of agents, mages and warriors called Seekers, and now arming them with powerful (and recently reactivated ) relics gathered within the Black Tower of Rokos, the Solonavi are finally revealing their strength – but not yet their true purpose.

A few of the Key Transition Events:

The Claiming of Rokos: Faced by destruction by a sizable Orc army, the Solonavi revealed their secret alliance with the Oracles of Rokos and manned the walls beside their Atlantean comrades. When the Orc leader was slaughtered by one of the Solonavi's number, and the Orc armies scattered to the four winds, many Atlantean citizens hailed the Solonavi as saviors and potential allies.

The Secret of the Oracles: While the Solonavi's arrival in recent years was prophecized by the Oracles of Rokos (an order of mages that specialize in prophecy and select forms of Elemental and Technomantic magics), the revealment that the Oracles had been long-standing allies of the secretive Solonavi came as a great shock to Atlanteans. For all of the history of the Empire, and even the Kosian civilization that pre-dated Tezla's birth, the Oracles had been believed to be neutral prophets and judges guiding humanity through its most difficult hours. Now, with the Oracles seeming to be nothing more than Solonavi pawns, a great cry went through the Empire of suspicion and betrayal.

The Solonavi's Wrath: Even after offering Emperor Nujarek the chance to conquer the Land – with their aid – the refusal by the weak-minded human surprised them greatly. In wrath, the Solonavi cast the great spell that enhanced the magic across the Land, with the tower at Rokos as the focus for the powerful enchantment. Shortly afterwards, the Solonavi also attacked the Citadel of Luxor and destroyed every last one of the defenders, taking the undefeatable citadel for their own purposes.

We are a family of collectors; some of us have been collecting for over 50 years. Having bought and sold at trade shows, flea markets, and antique shows from the 70's thru the 90's, a game store from 2001 to 2013, and Ebay since 1999, we have decided to start cleaning out the hutches, bookcases, display case, closets and cubby holes of all our treasures to share with other like minded lovers of collectibles. Here are some of the things to come: dolls, toys, figures, trading cards, GI Joe, Star Wars, YuGiOh, Magic the Gathering, Baseball, Football, coins, fine jewelry, post cards, magazines, lighters, Blown Glass, matchbooks and on and on and on. Far too many things to list. So nothing is really out side of the realm of possibility. If you like to find treasure and like the unknown, check back frequently as you will never really know what you might find that fills that spot for you.

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