Chess Computer MEPHISTO - Europa A 1990 - Hegener & Glaser  -Germany 

Chess Computer Mephisto

Very Good Condition  For Chess Amateurs:

Computer name:  Mephisto Europa A
Manufacturer:     Hegener & Glaser
Dates from:     1990
Dimensions:     29 x 23 x 2.7 cm
Power supply:     4 x AA, or adapter HGN5001
Processor:     6301 Y, 8 Mhz
Memory:     16 KB ROM, 256 bytes RAM
Programmer(s): Frans Morsch
Rating:     occasional players / weak club players (Elo 1683)
Other details:  pressure-sensitive board

LEDs on two sides of board

Caution! Not suitable for children under 3 years of age,
due to the risk of suffocation from small parts that can be swallowed!

Good Luck !