
Je mets en vente ce set complet de communes issues des éditions Hidden Emperor épisodes 1 à 6. (113 cartes)

I am selling this full common set from Hidden Emperor #1-6. (113 cards)

A Time for Mortal Men (HE1)Cultists (HE6)Crab: Kuni Utagu (HE3)Doom of Toturi (HE5)
Arrow From the Ranks (HE4)Elite Spearmen (HE1)Crane: Daidoji Osen (HE6)A Stone Circle (HE5)
Concealed Archers (HE1)Fortified Infantry (HE3)Crane: Daidoji Rekai (HE1)Cleansing Bell (HE6)
Drawing Fire (HE2)Kolat Geisha (HE4)Crane: Daidoji Tsumerai (HE2)Funeral Pyre (HE4)
Face of Ninube (HE3)Naga Pearl Guardian (HE5)Crane: Kakita Ariteko (HE6)Goldsmith (HE4)
Flanking Maneuver (HE1)Scouting Team (HE1)Dragon: Hitomi Akuai (HE2)Large Farm (HE5)
Flattery (HE4)Tattered Ear Tribe (HE2)Dragon: Hitomi Kazaq (HE3)Palisades (HE2)
Flooded Pass (HE2)Zokujin (HE5)Mantis/YA: Kitsune Diro (HE2)Philosopher (HE4)
Hold This Ground (HE3)Blackened Claws (HE6)Mantis/YA: Yoritomo Nodoteki (HE5)Ratling Nest (HE6)
Imperial Edicts (HE5)Cricket (HE1)Monk: Hoshi Eisai (HE3)Retired Wasp General (HE3)
Kitsuki Evidence (HE4)Die Tsuchi (HE4)Monk: Hoshi Maseru (HE3)River Bridge of Kaiu (HE3)
Mujina Tricks (HE4)Meishodo Amulet (HE2)Monk: Hoshi Wayan (HE6)Ronin Dojo (HE4)
Mushin (HE3)Otaku Steed (HE6)Monk: Ikudaiu (HE1)Silk Farm (HE6)
Open Fields (HE1)Shinsei's Fan (HE2)Monk: Kirazo (HE2)Silk Works (HE5)
Out of the Shadows (HE5)Takao's Jingasa (HE3)Naga: Damesh (HE1)The Hiruma Dojo (HE1)
Ratling Hordes (HE5)The New Way (HE3)Naga: Malekish (HE4)The Scorpion Children (HE1)
Ratling Spy (HE6)Token of Jade (HE2)Naga: Ralish (HE1)The Shinjo Stockades (HE2)
Salt the Earth (HE5)Chasing Osano-Wo (HE1)Phoenix: Asako Hosigeru (HE4)Fields of the Morning Sun (HE3)
Sting of the Wasp (HE2)Chi Projection (HE6)Ratling: Tchickchuk (HE2)Haunted Lands (HE1)
Storms of War (HE6)Facing Your Devils (HE5)Scorpion: Shosuro Chian (HE6)Holy Home Villages (HE5)
Take the Initiative (HE5)Hitsu-do (HE2)TA: Hasame (HE1)Mystic Ground (HE2)
The Iron Cranes (HE6)Mercy Shrouds the Earth (HE3)TA: Tohaku (HE6)Otaku Meadows (HE3)
The People's Hero (HE1)Mizu-do (HE1)Unicorn: Ide Ashijun (HE4)Plains of Foul Tears (HE4)
The Price of Failure (HE4)Root the Mountain (HE2)Unicorn: Iuchi Shahai (HE2)Ratling Villages (HE5)
Trapping Tactics (HE6)The Power of Incompleteness (HE4)Unicorn: Otaku Tetsuko (HE1)The Bayushi Provinces (HE2)
Unrequited Love (HE5)The Touch of the Lands (HE3)Unl: Kouta (HE5)The Iuchi Plains (HE4)
Where Shinsei Stood (HE3)Tsuchi-do (HE3)Unl: Seppun Kossori (HE3)The Mountains Blw Kyuden Hitomi (HE1)
Battle Maidens (HE6)Walk Through the Mountains (HE4)Sh: Jama Suru (HE5)The Silk Road (HE6)
---Umi Amaterasu (HE3)

Grading: Near Mint
Cartes en très bon état 

Envoi Soigné & Frais de port réduits si plusieurs objets achetés.
Si vous souhaitez plus de cartes que le nombre de lots disponible, contactez moi !

Neat Shipment & Reduced shipping costs for multiple purchased items.
If you want more cards than the number of lots available, contact me !


I am also looking for L5R cards, contact me if you want to trade.