MARCH 1989


Above China
The world’s most populous nation, once one of its most secretive, unfolds under the camera of aerial photographer Georg Gerster. An unprecedented view of China’s vast and diverse topography, with text by Larry Kohl.

Wildlife Quest to South Georgia
 { Wildlife Quest to the Icy Seas of South Georgia}
Each year for more than a decade Sally and Jerome Poncet, now with their three children, have sailed the frigid waters of this remote South Atlantic island, recording their observations of a stunning array of seabirds and seals. Sally Poncet chronicles;
The Battle to Save Our Past
Ancient North American burial grounds have become sites of contention for relic hunters asserting their right to collect and archaeologists demanding the right to excavate remains. However, without the intervention of professional archeologists,
Indian Burial Grounds: Who Owns Our Past?
{ An Indian Cemetery Desecrated: Who Owns Our Past? ; Who Owns Our Past? }
Relic hunters searching for salable grave goods have ravaged an ancient Indian burial ground in Kentucky, outraging Native Americans and archaeologists alike. Harvey Arden reports on the loss to our national heritage. Photographs by Steve Wall.
Faulkner’s Mississippi
The spirit of the literary giant endures in this hometown of Oxford, inspiration for a fictional world in which human weakness and the strength to persevere are both of the landscape. By Mississippi writer Willie Morris and photographer William Albert Al

Trap- Jaw Ants: Set for Prey
Harvard zoologist Mark W. Moffett journeys to the rain forests of Costa Rica and Trinidad to study elusive ants whose specially adapted hair- trigger jaws can snap up hyperactive springtails, their sole prey.