Free Domestic Shipping.

Important Disclaimer:

This item has been listed on ebay in good faith insomuch as I believe it complies with ebay's terms and conditions to not sell any material that is prohibited.  When this item was listed, the ebay link at

stated "The following items may be listed:  - Stamps, letters, and envelopes displaying Nazi postmarks"

This item is an authentic period philatelic postal history item that does have or was intended to have a stamp and does have or was intended to have a postmark.  I do not sell items with Third Reich themes that do not have stamps and postmarks or were not intended to travel through the mail as that would not meet the above citation from ebay's list of items that may be listed.

This item has been listed within the scope of philately--the study of stamps, postmarks, mail routes and mailing customs, usages and rules.  

I have not listed this item with the intent that any purchaser purchase it for endorsement, glorification or promotion of any controversial themes that may be related to the item.

I do not endorse, glorify or promote any part of this item that may be related to any controversial themes.  I have owned this item within my scope as a philatelist and own and have listed this item within the context that I believe it is permissible to sell on the ebay platform.

Lastly, I am only able to sell this in the United States and must decline international deliveries.

Terms and Conditions:

FREE United States of America Postal Service FIRST CLASS MAIL SHIPPING to the United States.

I prefer your payment be processed through the ebay payment system.  If you wish to pay by any other means, please message me before buying at and ask permission, which will not be unreasonably withheld.  

Postal insurance and/or registered mail for loss and/or damage protection will be an extra charge and offered only if specifically requested.  If this concerns you, please message me in advance of your purchase.  Sometimes I will require this to protect us both.

The United States Postal Service has an excellent record with my shipments.

I have been a member of the American Philatelic Society since 1978 and have been selling on eBay since December 1998.

You will need to work through Sales Tax issues with eBay.

Buy with trust and confidence.

Thank you for taking the time to view my items and make sure to review the other items in my eBay retail store, especially in this category.