10 Dragon's Blood Tree Seeds
 (Dracaena draco) 
Exotic Canary Island Palm Bonsai 
The Dragon Tree is Known for its Thick, Red Resin, Called “Dragon's Blood.” The Tree got it's Name from One of Hercules' Legendary Adventures. As the Tale goes, Hercules was Tasked with Bringing back 3 Golden Apples from the Garden of the Hesperides, Guarded by a 100-Headed Dragon. The Drought Tolerant Draco is Most Suitable for Parks and Botanical Gardens as an Ornamental Tree. It also Makes a Great Looking Container Plant in Large Pots Outdoors. Bark and Leaves Contain Reddish Resin the Dragon Blood's Tree will Secrete when Cut.The Dragon Tree is a sub-tropical plant native to the Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Madeira and Western Morocco. It is so valued in Tenerife that it has been chosen as the Natural Symbol of the island. Unfortunately it has become a threatened species in the wild.
The Dragon Tree is a wonderful specimen tree that is hugely popular with landscapers because of its naturally strong architectural features. Being evergreen, drought tolerant and able to live for hundreds of years it is a popular choice of feature plant in homes and gardens across Australia. It is more cold tolerant than other Dracaena species so will happily grow in cooler as well as warmer climates and, due to its tolerance of lower light levels, it can also make a stunning house or office plant- a real eye-catcher! 
When grown in perfect conditions the Dragon Tree can grow to around 40 foot in height with a spread of up to a 12 foot wide canopy. Tall, clear trunks are topped with shaggy, rounded heads of long, sword shaped leaves which add wonderful elements of sound, movement and texture to the garden. They make an excellent alternative to Palm Trees. 
Zones 9-12 Outdoors or Grow as a Container Plant that can be placed indoors during cooler weather.
Draco Germination:
1) Rub Aggressively with rough grit sandpaper to Scarify the seeds.
2) Pour hot water over them and let them soak for 24 hours.
3) Use a heated propagator to keep the seed starting mix at 78+ degrees F.
4) Plant appx. 1/2" inch deep.
5) As with any Exotic or Tropical seeds, Patience is needed as germination will be erratic and can take place anywhere from a few weeks to over 6 months. Don't toss out any that do not germinate quickly as they are still good and just need more time.
Well Worth the Wait!
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