10 Exotic Tropical Mexican Fan Palm Tree Seeds 

(Washingtonia robusta) 

Mexican Fan Palm, (Washingtonia robusta), is an Arrow-Straight Palm Tree that can Grow to Heights of 40 to 50 Feet, and in some cases, will reach a Majestic 80 Feet Tall. The Fan Palm is a Fast-Growing Evergreen Palm that can Grow up to 6 Feet per Year for the First few years. They can Survive Temperatures as Low as 20 Degrees F for short periods of time, but extended cold will kill even mature trees. Also known as "Washington palm," it is Tolerant of poor soil and drought, and does well in hot, dry urban environments, where it's grand height stands out against the city skyline. It does need a lot of sunshine and a lot of room to grow in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 to 11. Plant your Mexican Fan Palm in Spring. Under ideal growing conditions, a young Mexican Fan Palm Tree can Grow 6 Feet a Year, Reaching Heights of 80 Feet or More. In mature trees, dead fronds usually drop off the tree as it grows. Younger trees, however, tend to hold onto these dead fronds. Some cities legally mandate that tree owners must remove the thatch from their trees — a daunting task that requires a professional when the trees get taller. They will thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. Not to Worry as they make Excellent Potted Trees that can get huge in the smallest of containers. Although they like well-drained, moderately rich soil, they can survive in sand and poor soils just as long as there is good drainage. You can grow a young plant in a container to give your Deck or Patio a Tropical Exotic Style, but do not plant one in a small yard since they need large, open areas. And be sure to never give them too much water as that will cause root rot, which eventually leads to the canopy falling off.  

Although Mexican Fan Palm Trees are native to the desert, they are only somewhat drought tolerant. They like Full Sun to partial shade and Well-Draining Sand to Loam Type Soil. They can tolerate both slightly alkaline and slightly acidic soil.

It can take many years depending upon the environment but in the late spring, the Fan Palm produces small creamy flowers. Flowers grow in clusters on the branched inflorescence 8-10ft long that extends past the leaves. Flowers are followed by black berry-like drupes, about 1/2 inches in diameter. Fruits are edible, though thin-fleshed. They are sweet and taste like dates, can be dried or made into a jelly.

Mexican Fan Palm is cold hardy and can tolerate cold down to 10F but temperatures lower than 23F might damage leaves. It is great for growing in USDA Zones 8a (10 to 15 F) to 11 (above 40 F). It has Optimal Growth in the Full Sun, but will tolerate some shade while young. It can also tolerate drought, but grows much faster when receiving plenty of water. It Needs moist well drained soil.

Fan Palm Germination:

Due to the often slow and uneven germination of Tropical & Exotic seeds, Patience is Needed.

 Follow these steps to get more even & faster rates of germination.

1) Rough up the outer shell of the seed with rough grit sand paper to allow water to permeate the shell. 

2) Pour boiling hot water over palms seeds. Repeat daily & Keep them in water for 7 days, changing the water daily.

3) Sow 1/2” Deep, Using a Heated Propagator, keep the soil warm around 85 F is optimal. Keep moist. (Not too wet).

4) Periodically inspect the seeds to check for mold or fungus. If found, clean seeds with a copper based fungicide, rinse them really well, and replant them in a new and sterile potting mix.

4) Be patient & expect germination to occur anywhere between 2-9 months as germination with Palms, or any Tropical seeds are well known to be erratic.

Germinación de la palma de abanico:

Debido a la germinación a menudo lenta y desigual de las semillas tropicales y exóticas, se necesita paciencia.

Siga estos pasos para obtener tasas de germinación más uniformes y rápidas.

1) Raspe la cáscara exterior de la semilla con papel de lija de grano grueso para permitir que el agua penetre en la cáscara.

2) Vierta agua hirviendo sobre las semillas de palma. Repita a diario y manténgalas en agua durante 7 días, cambiando el agua a diario.

3) Siembre a 1/2" de profundidad, utilizando un propagador calentado, mantenga la tierra caliente alrededor de 85 F es lo óptimo. Manténgala húmeda. (No demasiado mojada).

4) Inspeccione periódicamente las semillas para verificar si tienen moho u hongos. Si los encuentra, limpie las semillas con un fungicida a base de cobre, enjuáguelas muy bien y vuelva a plantarlas en una mezcla para macetas nueva y esterilizada.

4) Sea paciente y espere que la germinación se produzca en cualquier momento entre 2 y 9 meses, ya que se sabe que la germinación de las palmas o de cualquier semilla tropical es errática.

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