DUPERRON de CASTERA (Louis-Adrien) - (1705-1752).

                     Histoire du Mont Vésuve, avec l'explication des phénomènes qui ont coutume d'accompagner les embrasements de cette Montagne. Le tout traduit de l'Italien de l'Académie des Sciences de Naples. Paris, Chez Huart, Libraire-Imprimeur de Monseigneur le Dauphin, à la Justice, 1741. In-12 de XX-361-(3) pages. Reliure de l'époque pleine basane, dos à nerfs orné (coiffe inférieure usée, un coin usé, travail de vers dans le texte affectant les pages 171 à la fin, y compris les planches, entraînant perte de caractères, mais ne nuisant pas à la lecture du texte).

                    (CIORANESCU, 26719). Édition originale de cette traduction française par DUPERRON de CASTERA, illustrée d'1 tableau hors-texte dépliant (partiellement déchiré, mais complet), & de 2 gravures hors-texte dépliantes in fine, avec leurs feuillets explicatifs.

                    La paternité de ce texte revient à Francesco SERAO (1702-1783), professeur de médecine à l'université de Naples, qui avait rédigé un ouvrage sur l'incendie du Vésuve en 1737.


Francesco Serao (20 September 1702 - 5 August 1783) was an Italian physician, physicist, geologist, philosopher and scholar. He was born in San Cipriano d'Aversa and died in Naples, Italy.


Thanks to his maternal uncle, Don Antonio Forno, Serao was taught by the Jesuits in Naples. He followed the thinking of Descartes. At eighteen, he graduated in medicine and in 1727 he was awarded the chair of theoretical medicine. In 1732 he was professor of anatomy, then of medicine.

He was a member of the Royal Academy or Academy of Sciences of Naples with his teacher Niccolò Cirillo and was a member of the Academy of Sciences of Paris, of the London Academy, of the Benedictine University of Bologna and of other important scientific and literary groups in Europe.

He translated John Pringle's medical works into Italian. Serao was chief physician of the Kingdom of Naples and physician to King Ferdinand IV of Bourbon. Serao died in 1783 and was buried in the church of Monteverginella in Naples.
