Ornamental Flowering Climber
There is just a handful of vines that thrive in shade, and Akebia is one of the best. We love it's dainty scented spring flowers and cute palmate leaves. Darkest purple, and 3 large leaves with wavy edges. Growth is more dense and compact than other species. Its super fast, so when the goal is to cover an unsightly view, Akebia is a good option. Akebias have the added bonus of producing edible fruit! Fruits are larger than other Akebias and are 4-5" long and lavender or blue in color. The edible portion is inside; a seedy treat that is covered in gelatinous goo! All Akebia vines are fast-growing to around 25-30 a year, grow in sun or shade, and are hardy to Zones 4-8. The Perfect Vine for Year Round Interest! And being the Growth of the "Three Leaf" Akebia is far more compact than any other, Twining vines often used for shading, screening on arbors and fences, and for ground covering on embankments.
Zones 4-8
Chocolate Vine Germination:
1) Scarify the seeds by rubbing with rough grit sandpaper.
2) Fill a small bowl with water and add the chocolate vine seeds. Soak the seeds for 24 hours.
3) Spray water on seed-starting mix to moisten it. Avoid adding too much water to the want to be moist, not dripping wet.
4) Fill the seed-starting mix into 4-inch diameter pots with drainage holes. Fill the pots up to about 1/2 inch from the top. Firm the soil with your hand so it's level in the pots.
5) Place up to three chocolate vine seeds on the soil surface of each pot. Space the seeds 1 inch apart. Lightly press the seeds into the soil with your finger to keep them steady. Avoid covering the seeds with soil, because they need light exposure to germinate.
6) Seal the pots in individual, clear plastic bags and put them in the refrigerator at about 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the seeds in the refrigerator for at least 30 days. Regularly mist the soil with a water-filled spray bottle during the stratification period. Aim to keep the medium moist at all times.
7) Remove the pots from the fridge and place them in a warm area of the house near a bright window. Expect the chocolate vine seeds to germinate within 14 to 21 days.
8) Take the pots out of the plastic bags, after the chocolate vine seeds germinate. Continue light exposure to promote growth, and cut off the weak seedlings with scissors at soil level, so only one strong seedling remains in each pot.
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