From Gothic Castle Publishing, vintage 1972, black and white magazine with full color covers

Mature readers. This issue has articles on Dracula A.D. 1972, Countess Dracula, Vampire Circus, Twins of Evil, Blood from the Mummy's Tomb, Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde, A Clockwork Orange, Z.P.G., and The Pied Piper. Also includes part one of an interview with Ray Harryhausen and an interview with Douglass Trumbull. Cover price $0.60.

Offered is the magazine in Fine plus condition with nice semi-glossy covers with minor handling wear, off-white to very light beige interior pages.

Combined shipping discounts are available whenever possible.

Winning Bidder to pay $3.99 towards Media Mail  or $8.49 towards Priority Mail shipping. Thanks for bidding!