(Olea europaea) 
European Common Edible Fruit Plant
Canino is an Ancient Heirloom Mediterranean Olive Variety. It is Named after the Town of Canino, Italy which lies 50 Miles North of Rome where These Olives have been Grown for Thousands of Years. Canino Olive Trees Offer a Very High Yield of Olives, & are Prized for their Superb Caliber Oil. Olea europaea, Commonly called Common Olive, is an Evergreen Tree that is Native to the Mediterranean Region. It Typically Grows to 20-30’ Tall with a Tounded Crown. Young Trees have Smooth Gray Bark, But Trunks and Branches will Gnarl Somewhat Picturesquely with Age. Opposite, Elliptic to Lance Shaped Leaves (to 3” long) are Gray-Green Above and Silver-Green Beneath. Very Small White Flowers Bloom in Panicles (to 2” long) in Summer on Stems from the Leaf Axils. Flowers are Very Fragrant and will Give Way to Oval Green Drupes (olives to 1.5” long) which Ripen to Black. Each Olive Contains a Single Pit. Olives from this Species are Commercially Harvested as Eating Olives and for Production of Olive Oils.
Zones: 8-10
Canino Olive Germination:
1) To Scarify, sand the seeds with sandpaper, then use a small knife to place several "shallow" nicks. Not too deep.
2) Soak the seeds for 48 hours in water. Be sure to change the water daily.
3) Place seeds in a zip lock bag mixed with peat moss & vermiculite. Store in the fridge for 30 days to cold stratify.
4) Use a heated propagator to keep soil temps at 80 degrees F. or above.
5) Plant seeds appx. 1/2" deep. Keep soil damp, but never wet.
6) Be sure that they are in "direct sunlight". You can also use a very bright grow light, but sunlight is best.
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Germinación de olivo Canino:
1) Para escarificar, lije las semillas con papel de lija y luego use un cuchillo pequeño para hacer varias muescas "superficiales". No demasiado profundas.
2) Remoje las semillas durante 48 horas en agua. Asegúrese de cambiar el agua a diario.
3) Coloque las semillas en una bolsa con cierre hermético mezclada con turba y vermiculita. Guárdelas en el refrigerador durante 30 días para estratificar en frío.
4) Use un propagador calentado para mantener la temperatura del suelo a 80 grados F o más.
5) Plante las semillas a aproximadamente 1/2" de profundidad. Mantenga el suelo húmedo, pero nunca mojado.
6) Asegúrese de que estén bajo la "luz solar directa". También puede usar una luz de cultivo muy brillante, pero la luz solar es lo mejor.
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