Contents Include:

April ~ How to Track Down Power-Line Glitches

Build R-E's Morse / RTTY Detector - Display nirse code and radioteletype signals on your computer

Build A Solid State Wiper Control ~ Beat those April Showers!

Build A Capacitance Adapter - Measure capacitance on your DVM

One-Chip Frequency Converter - Designing with the versatile NE602

Circuit Cookbook ~ Audio power amp IC's for automotive applications

Computer Digest ~ Secure your hard-disk data from unauthorized snooping

Plus:  Hardware Hacker - Audio Update - New Products - And Lots More!

July ~ Build A Robot Lawn Mower 

Build R-E's Digital Dashboard - Add hi-tech monitoring to any car

Build A Super Directional Microphone - Our novel design gives you long-distance ears

Add A Display To Your Project - How to use multi-line LCD displays

Rock, Religion, & Rhetoric - A look at U.S. -based shortwave stations

Circuit Cookbook - Alarm generator circuits and fault indicators for your security system

Build A Solid State Disk Drive - Use static RAM to speed up your computer and save wear and tear on your mechanical drives

August ~ Build a Robotic Lawn Mower

Build R-E's Video Frame Grabber - Capture any video image with your computer!

Build A Digital Pressure Gauge - Semiconductor sensor makes it practical

Microwave Technology ~ The world above 300 MHz

AC Power Measurement - A back-yo-basics primer

Build A Solid-State Disk Drive - Easy plug-in board speeds up your computer and reduces wear and tear to your hard disk

November ~ Build A Solid-State Laser! - Our handheld laser runs on batteries!

What's The Future Of Satellite TV? - A look at how the latest direct0broadcast proposals are armed at cable TV

Screen Your Telephone Calls Electronically! - By building our call screener

Build A Portable Quad Antenna - A high-performance antenna for the 2-meter band

Spice Up Your Designs - How to use your computer to simulate analog circuits