Peach Tree Seeds  

"Semi~Dwarf Nemaguard"

(Prunus persica)
 Fast Growing Cold Hardy Edible Fruit Plant 
Nemaguard Peaches are Widely Popular for their Sweet, Juicy Fruits and Beautiful Blossoms, Nemaguard Peach Trees are a Low, Broad Tree, on Reaching a Height of 15 to 25 Feet Tall with an Equal or Greater Spread which is why it is Considered a "Semi Dwarf" Peach Tree in comparison to other Species. Nemaguard Peach Trees Form a Rounded Crown with Upwardly-Reaching Branches Clothed in Three to Six-Inch-Long, Dark Green, Deciduous Leaves. The Lovely Flowers which Appear in April before the New Leaves Unfold are Available in Single, Semi-Double, and Double Forms in Colors Ranging from Pure White to Deep Red & Pink Bi Colors. The Flowers are Susceptible to Damage by Late Spring Frosts or Especially Cold Winters. The Luscious Three-Inch-Diameter Fruits Mature in July to August. Bright Yellow Fall Colors will Really Stands Out as well Most Years. 
Zones 4-9 & Zones 6-8 for Optimal Fruit Production
Nemaguard Peach Germination:
1) To reduce the chance of mold, fungus, or other contaminants, soak seeds in a 6 parts water-1 part bleach. (Or appx. 3 cups per gallon)
2) Cold stratify by placing seeds in a zip lock bag filled with moist peat moss. Cut a few small holes into the bag, then place in the fridge for 120 days. Periodically check every other week to be sure they do not dry out. Keep them moist, not wet. If any mold or fungus is found, remove and clean seeds in a copper based fungicide. Then replace them back into a clean bag of fresh peat moss. There has been very rare occasions the peach pit will germinate in the fridge, so you you will want to check them periodically. If by chance this occurs, skip step 3.
3) Gently crack the seed shell with a nutcracker or pliers. Be gentle as they only need to be slightly cracked.
4) Use a high-quality growing mix will ensure that your peach seeds get the best start. A soil-free sterile potting mix, sphagnum moss, or vermiculite are all suitable growing mediums for a peach seed. Choose a large container at least 12 inches tall to allow room for the tap root to develop. Plant the seed 1 inch deep and keep moist. 
5) Use a Heated Propagator Mat so you can mimic nature's temperature fluctuations. This will help increase germination rate drastically. During the day, keep them around 86 degrees, then let it drop to 68 during the night. Simply turning the mat off at night will work.
6) Germination will occur between 6-8 weeks.