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Swanscombe Cement Works and its Railways, by Chris Down

Published by the Industrial Locomotive Society in 2022, 412 pages. Hardback - c.17.5cm by 24.5cm (N8336)

Brand New Book

From the rear side cover: Swanscombe cement works operated for nearly 165 years, one of the longest-lived cement works in the world and, for many decades, also one of the largest. For a hundred years from about 1826 until 1929 it employed a unique narrow gauge railway using outside-flanged wheels with over thirty locomotives, many also unique. When modernised in the 1927-29 period, its new standard gauge railway was one of the busiest and most efficient in the industry. This remarkable book tells the story of these in the context of the history of the factory as a whole and the lives of those who worked here...

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