A unique and memorable gift for family, friends and loved ones. Add your own thoughtfully chosen words to create the perfect unique personalized gift that will be a treasured keepsake for many years to come.

 Creating your art piece is easy as ABCD:

A. Once purchased, simply message us your list of meaningful words that are special to the recipient, even a two-word phrase, including numbers. We recommend 20 to 30 words, but you can have as many or as few as you like.  

B. Then, choose one of the designs from the pictures provided, in other words, how you want your print to look like.
By design - we mean word font, letters type and words direction, (if you look carefully, the words on each picture are different). We are almost certain we have the biggest choice around. 

C. And finally. You could choose one of our designs as seen, but in case you want to add more personal touch and add your own colours. Then please, feel free to select your favourite colours from our wonderful colour palette (one colour, mix of two, three, even eight). 
Our colour palette can be found on the following link...  https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/354268776519alternatively type the following number 354268776519 in the eBay search box.

Or, if it's easier for you, feel free to choose colours from the pictures listed above, and choose word style from another picture, and we can put them together, like a mix and match.  

D. We tend every art piece to be absolutely wonderful, to amaze the recipient and be cherished forever. Thus, to your personal choice, we can make some words bigger if you like, or locate it anywhere on the print. Also, we can add a personal message on the bottom. Or include one of the following animations randomly on the print: heart, star, flower, balloon, wrapped present, birthday cake, just let us know.


So sit and relax & no worries at all, as we will send you two samples/creations of your art piece for you to approve before we ship the same to you. Having said that, we are happy to do as many changes as possible you want. 

We are certain that you would love our product. In case you are not 100% happy, a full refund will be issued immediately. 

- Size of the print, A4 (21 x 29.7 cm) / (8.3 x 11.7 inches)

- Printed on Professional photographic paper, 240 gsm premium glossy, water resistant, with high resolution vivid colours, that will last forever.

- Your art piece will be created and sent unframed.

- Prefer a digital file, so you could print as many samples as you want, when you want? Just let us know.

- Free shipping via Royal Mail 2nd Class. In case you are in a hurry, let us know and will use 1st Class service.

- And lastly, please take care when writing your words as we cannot take responsibility for typos on the final print.

Thanks for looking!

Please be aware that colour can vary from screen to screen. Please be careful if using a mobile or tablet which tends to lighten colours.