Our highest quality organic and fresh bee pollen is 100% natural immunity booster, which contains lots of vitamins and minerals. Bee pollen is one of most wonderful bee products, it’s natural, raw and fresh superfood, which provides you with energy and improves your health. Now you can order 100 g (3,5 oz) glass jar of bee pollen. 

Bee pollen is food supplement made by honey bees. Our natural bee pollen is without dyes • without sweeteners • without flavors • without preservatives • sugar free • gelatin free • yeast free • lactose free • suitable for vegetarians.
Our bee pollen has never been heated or dried so all of its enzymes are kept intact, providing you with all the nutritional benefits your body needs.

Bee pollen – one of the most valuable products that mother nature can offer to us. It is an organic bee product of bioactive materials that can be used to treat various diseases and prevent them. Raw bee pollen has around 30% of proteins, 20% of oils as well as vitamins A, D, E, B2, B1, C, PP, rutin, biotin, folic acid, even 19 micro and macroelements. Bee pollen improves appetite, digestion, strengthens the nervous system, immune system, helps to gain energy (especially after difficult infectious illnesses or operations), and postpones aging. 

Nutritional information per 100 g:
Energy: 1633 kJ / 390 kcal 
Protein: 18 g
Carbohydrates: 64 g
Fat: 7 g

Serving suggestion:
Bee pollen tastes wonderful in cereal or stirred into milk or yogurt.  A bowl of cereal mixed with a spoonful of bee pollen and a spoonful of honey makes a tasty treat. But it is also delightful in and of itself.
Recommended dosage: 
Adult 20-40 g or 3-5 tbsp. per day; children 15 g or 1-2 tbsp. per day. 

Keep in a cool, dry place, protect from direct sunlight.
Avoid this product if you have allergies to bee pollen, bees or bee products. 

✔ Please contact us:
- If you want to order bigger amount of bee pollen - we will gladly help you;
- If you want us to pack bee pollen as a special gift.