1951 Western High annual showing the students and faculty, activities and sports, literature and graphics, pictures of the school and surrounding, and local advertisement. Seniors each get large individual photos with list of clubs and accomplishments and personal information. Great photos and vintage design.

Individaully photographed graduating seniors include: william bissett, james cacheris, mary copenhaver, teresa crisst, theodore dayharsh, ronald deitelbauum, robert donaldsonn, rudolph forster, albert fowler, gerald galler, stephen gerachis, lillian gorewitz, gertrude gould, greta greenwood, alice haney,  joyce hogan, cecilia jaracz, patrick c. kelliher, ronald knoll, patricia marrlowe, donald mills, jooan mull, norma panzner, anita perez, malcolm reid, thomas rhys, john c. rogerson, robert rose, edmund rublee, barabara schroeder, nancy shuman, george winfield scott, elijah sweaney, helen sydnor, mark tennyson, rosalie thom, carol thompsoon, barbara tompkins, patricia wiehle, edmund ackerson, john ailes, barabaara alley, aannn alling, adrian austin, alice balzer, barbara barbee, naanancy barnes, jane bennett, howard brger, david berry, alfred biermann, donalld biermaaann, william blaevins, barry brennan, richard bridge, barabara burner, eleanor bush, ian campbell, james carr, william dean chandler, joe w. clarke, marian coleman, frances cronan, daniel curzon, mitchell cutler, nancy dahl, horace davis, elanor day, dolores del valle, lee denson,david deutermann, sally draker, virginia dunlap, patricia englert, elizabeth evans, robert evans, kathryn ray, gordon fell, cynthia floyd, eugene follin, flora french, sholem friedman, edith fritzle, elinor fuchs, joyce fuler, herbert gates, aristedes gerachis, miriam gorman, gloria gough, audrey granger, paticia gray, carolg rosvenor, clarenc grubic, stanley hames, barbara mae hampton, mary jean hardy, kataherine haynes, martha henderson, beverly hickman, james hill, henry hobbs, james holloway, jay howard, richard hudgins, janet hulburt, hedwig huschke, margaret hutchins, don hutchison, alice izzard, judith i. jacobs, frank jeffs, mary jane jensen, franklin joyce, martha keys, jerme kline, joan langford, edwin lawless, gary leapley, janice lear, virginia leetch, roy lindquist, carlota llosa, susan lloyd, jane lund, nancy magee, barbara markham, william matthews, christine mayer, james m. mccarthy, martha g. mccutcheon, louise mcdougal, walter mcfarland, gary meeds, henry meetze, virginia b. miller, patricia b. miller, bradford miter, sara moore, sarah jean parker, james perryman, nancy poore, laura potts, charles ragan, fred reinders, william rhea, iris rodgin, marvin rosenblatt, john rushton, martha samuels, angelina sansalone, john saville, winona shreve, diane simon, elizabeth ann smith, marshall snead, louis snouffer, allen springer, maxine stuelcken, shirley stovall, james sutton, ray sutton, juune talley, kenneth taylor, fred tomkins, george tuttle, erwin von den steinen, elizabeth wahl, robert walde, john h. walsh, joyce wareing, jane warner, peggy weedon, mary wegener, paul weinstein, william weir, virginia wendell, martha wilson, nancy wylie, and karen zehner.     

Very Good condition hardback with tight binding and text and clean pages, with no must or mildew or missing pieces, and mild shelf wear to the cover. Solid.

Great rarity giving an historic look at Washington DC and the promising young women and men at Western during the Harry Truman years. Just waiting for a good home.

Email or call for any details. Spanky's Archive, since 1986. 

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