Multi Diagnostics Cartridge for Commodore 64 computers
  • Dead Test
  • Diagnostic 586220 
  • 64 Doctor
  • Diagnostic 324528
  • Diagnostic 4.1.0
  • SID Test
  • Tool 64
  • 1541 Diagnostics
New fully assembled cartridge PCB.  New version with rotary decimal switch.

The 2 jumpers on the upper right corner sets the cartridge for either Dead Test (both jumpers in the upper position) or all the other diagnostics (both jumpers in the lower position).  Then you set the rotary switch to a number for a specific diagnostics.

0 = Dead Test 781220
1 = Diagnostic 586220
2 = 64 Doctor
3 = Diagnostic 324528
4 = Diagnostic 4.1.0
5 = SID Test
6 = Tool 64
7 = 1541 Diagnostics

This cartridge is a collection of pre-existing diagnostics tools and documentation for each tool can be found on the internet

A buyer made a very nice 3D printed case and the design was published on Thingiverse.  Search for item #4622238 (Thank you Charles for sharing the design!)