Rs. 20 Currency Note

Dimension: 128 x 67 mm

Predominant Colour: Maroon

Front: Port of Colombo (a recent and an early view).
The bird – “Sri Lanka Serendib Scops Owl”; the butterfly – “The Baronet”.

Back: “Ves Netuma” dancer (Kandyan dance form) And “Geta bera” drummer. Background – Guard Stone with “Punkalasa” (pot of plenty), “Liya Vela” (single floral design) and map of Sri Lanka.

Rs. 50 Currency Note

Dimension: 133 x 67 mm

Predominant Colour: Blue

Front: New bridge at Manampitiya alongside the old bridge and Demodara ancient
Railway arch bridge in the background. The bird – “Sri Lanka Dull Blue Flycatcher”; The butterfly – “The Blue Oakleaf’.

Back: “Vadiga Patuna” dancer, (Low Country dance form) and “Yak bera” drummer Background – Guard Stone with “Punkalasa”, “Liya Vela” and map of Sri Lanka.

Rs. 100 Currency Note

Dimension: 138 x 67 mm

Predominant Colour: Orange

Front: Norochcholai Coal Power Plant Project and
Laxapana waterfall in the background. The bird – “Sri Lanka Orange Billed Babbler”; the butterfly – “The Autumn Leaf”.

Back: “Bharatanatyam” dancer (Classical South Indian dance form) and “Mridangam” drummer. Background – “Naga” Guard Stone’”‘Dvithva Liya Vela” (double floral design) and map of Sri Lanka