Kandula is a famous war elephant mentioned in the Sinhala chronicle Mahavamsa. According to the chronicle, when King Dutugemunu of Sri Lanka (101–77 BC) was born, many items of value were said to have appeared spontaneously, which were found and brought in by various people as gifts to the newborn. Among them was a regal elephant found by a fisherman named KANDULA. The elephant was named after its finder and became the companion of King Dutugemunu, serving as his mount during the wars that led to the unification of Sri Lanka. The climactic duel between King Elara and King Dutugemunu is said to have occurred near Anuradhapura where the two kings fought whilst mounted on elephants; Dutugemunu mounting Kandula Tusker and Elara mounting Maha Pambata Tusker. King Ealara is said to have been slain in this historic dual.

Black tea is among the most widely enjoyed teas in the world. Originating in China in the 17th century, black tea spread rapidly throughout the world and found great acceptance in the West. Black tea is a known favorite, especially among the British, who have developed a rich culture around tea. One of the features of black tea is its wide array of production areas and drinking methods. Black teas are produced with different characteristics according to the production area, tea estate and the season when the leaves are picked. Although flavors vary, high-quality black teas abound in natural aroma, flavor and nutrients that are reminiscent of flowers, fruits and herbs. Another appeal of black teas is that they can be used to create a variety of different drinks. Not only by adding milk or lemon but also with the addition of fruits, herbs, spices and liquors. Iced tea is another popular option.

How to Extract the Tea: The 60 Grams of Tea Leaves will be available after you remove the glued elephant. There will be an opening from the bottom side of the elephant where you can find the tea leaves.

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