Lactic Acid 80% Food Grade 9ml (pocket spray) - 1000ml, packed in Ribble Valley UK
This is Lactic Acid 20% - 80% strength and if used as skin treatment it should be diluted to the appropriate percentage and we always recommend you test before use.

Cosmetic Use
Used to improve skin appearance through skin peel / exfoliant, improves appearance, reduces wrinkles and age spots, clears spots, blemishes and ACNE. DO NOT USE for psoriasis or eczema.

Important Information

· As with any skin peel product, it is important to allow your skin time to acclimate to their use. Perform a small patch test at least 24 hours before use.

· Do not leave on the skin for more than 2-3 minutes. Neutralise by flushing the skin with water to cool the skin and remove effectively.  You may experience slight stinging and redness. If this happens, reduce the frequency, length and strength. If irritation continues, discontinue use altogether.

· AHAs can cause photosensitivity. For a week after use, take extra care to limit sun exposure and use a sunscreen and protective clothing.

In Food Lactic acid is naturally present in many foodstuffs. It is formed by natural fermentation in products such as cheese, yogurt, soy sauce, sourdough, meat products and pickled vegetable. Lactic Acid is also used in a wide range of food applications such as bakery products, beverages, meat products, confectionery, dairy products, salads, dressings, ready meals, etc. Lactic acid in food products usually serves as either as a pH regulator or as a preservative. It is also used as a flavouring agent.
Meat, Poultry & Fish
Lactic acid can be used in meat, poultry and fish in the form of sodium or potassium lactate to extend shelf life, control pathogenic bacteria (improve food safety), enhance and protect meat flavor, improve water binding capacity and reduce sodium.
Because of its mild taste, lactic acid is used as an acidity regulator in beverages such as soft drinks and fruit juices.