Measurement of Bowl:

Diameter: 9 Inches

Height: 4 Inches

Bowl Weight: 1.8 Kg.

Bowls come with cushion, stick and drumstick.

This bowls was true handmade bowl. In the bowl there was beautiful hand crafted Seven Chakras, Mantra around the bowl and Vajra in the base outside the bowl and it was beautifully crafted by hand. This handmade Tibetan singing bowls are chosen carefully by sound testing to ensure their healing properties. These exclusive healing masterpieces are carefully made for long lasting and powerful sounds. It was made from seven metals such as gold, silver, copper, lead, iron, tin, and zinc. Bowl was made for master healing, sound therapy, Yoga, Meditation, Sound healing, Reiki healing, chakra balancing, sound bathing, Zen healing, etc. Bowl has very deep sound and vibration with long relaxing sound.

Singing Bowls also called the healing bowls, can be traced back to Asia as early as 2000 B.C. they are made of an alloy of seven different metals, connected to seven astrological planets, which create a range of different sounds and overtones. Those seven metals are gold as sun, silver as moon, mercury as mercury, copper as Venus, iron as mars, tin as Jupiter, lead as Saturn. Some singing bowls should consist of only five metals. These bowls format, depth, color, girth and composition are variable.

The vibrations of singing Bowls stimulate the body to recreate its own harmonic frequency and help produce the alpha waves that are present in the brain in deep relaxation singing bowls of all sizes are said to clean the atmosphere around us of negative energy and emotional blockages.

Many people feel that they are touched and cleaned in their soul when they listen to the sound of the singing Bowls. As some people describe it "Time Stands Still"- a feeling of peace, relief in aching parts of the body, or contact with something beyond daily life.

Relaxation with Bowls, Effects:

-Promotion of the energy balance,

-Reduction of stress and involved emotions

-Reducing of tensions.

-Upgrading of creativity and imagination,

-Elevating of life forces,

-Balancing of hemisphere of the brain,

-Helping to harmonize body, spirit and soul

-Giving a positive self, image and empowering assertiveness.

FAQ About Gong:

What religion do singing bowls come from? Tibetan music bowls, often called “singing bowls”, are a kind of bell used in Tibetan Buddhist meditation. Instead of hanging upside down and being struck, the bowl sits upright, and a wooden puja stick is used to vibrate the rim of the bowl, making its unique “singing” sound.

How many notes are in a singing bowl? Seven notes These seven notes are: C, D, E, F, G, A and B.

What is the perfect pitch for singing bowls? For ease the bowls that meet these tuning criteria are listed as 432 Hz/440 Hz Perfect Pitch and can be searched as such in the search bar.

What are the 7 metals in singing bowls? The secret of the enchanting sound a singing bowl produces lies in the making process that involves 7 different metals: gold, tin, silver, iron, mercury, lead and copper.

What are singing bowls called? A Tibetan singing bowl is a type of bowl that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played. Also known as singing bowls or Himalayan bowls, Tibetan singing bowls are said to promote relaxation and offer powerful healing properties.

What is written on my singing bowl? The Sanskrit mantra is called the six true words by monks. Around Tibet, it's written as- Om ma ne pad ma hum. It's the ultimate mantra to purify your mind, body, and spirit into becoming a Buddha.

What is the science behind singing bowls? As explained by Science Made Simple UK, the friction created either by rubbing or striking a singing bowl creates vibrations. These vibrations create the sound we hear and can feel when holding the singing bowl. As you continue to rub the rim of the bowl, the friction keeps the sound going. This is called resonance.

Can singing bowls open chakrasThere's a solid connection between the two. Singing bowls can unblock, cleanse, and activate chakras. You can use the bowls to do so by playing or striking the bowl in gentle motions. Specific healing frequencies and vibrations are emitted to clear and charge chakras when you do so.

Do singing bowls balance chakras? Singing bowls are said to balance and unblock these chakras, restoring balance within the body. When using singing bowls to cleanse your chakras, it is very important to know which chakras are affected so that you can better focus your healing on specific chakras.

What is a singing bowl used for? A singing bowl is used to help promote meditation and relaxation. In addition to aiding in stress relief, the resonant sounds they produce are purported to have other health benefits as well.

What does a singing bowl do for you? Besides their traditional use for meditation, Tibetan singing bowls are used for deep relaxation and muscle regeneration, to relieve pain in the joints, muscles and shoulders, to ease pain related to sciatica, the digestive system, headaches and migraine or spine injuries, to improve circulation, release tensions or feel relaxed.

Returns and Shipping:- We ships each of our order within 3-5 business day and update tracking details of standard international shipping service provider, we are happy and return our product and fully refund the payment in case of any defect on our products. Please contact us within 30 days.

About us: Everest Made is an Authentic Handicraft Store genuinely established in 2021, which has goal to expand the creative skill as beautiful handmade product of Nepal to sale all over World. We specialize in sourcing and curating authentic handcrafted Singing Bowl that showcase the rich cultural traditions of various regions of Nepal. Our collection encompasses an authenticity of handicrafts, ranging from intricately hand hammered Singing Bowl that has been beautifully made from mixed of seven precious metals such as gold, silver, copper, lead, iron, tin, and zinc with traditional hitting, hammering, etching, carving method and techniques. Our company has stands out due to our unwavering focus on preserving the heritage and craftsmanship of the regions we work with on Singing Bowl. We collaborate directly with local artisans and craftsmen, who possess deep-rooted knowledge and expertise passed down through generations. We ensure that our products embody the authenticity and unique cultural identity of each artisan community.

Mission: Our mission is to inspire the authentic handmade products by preservation, promotion, and empowerment of skilled artisans and craftsmanship with fair trade opportunities in the creation of every authentic Singing Bowl.

Vision: Our Vision is to be a globally recognized Authentic Singing Bowl crafting company by combining traditional craftsmanship and contemporary designs to cater to diverse consumer preferences.

Objective: We aim to preserve our traditional art and promote it to future generation. We look for crating employment opportunities for economically backward people. We focus on providing different singing bowl healing course to the interested people from home and around the world. We are trying to develop the art and skills and continue it. We also manage different workshop and seminars for the promotion of authentic singing bowl.

-If any queries about product please feel free to write us! We reply instantly for any Sample Sound Clip/Videos and we accept customize size, design base on customer requirement.