10 Bael Fruit Tree Seeds 
(Aegle marmelos)
Bengal Quince Stone Apple Plant
It originates from India, but it can be found all over the southeastern Asia today. Bael thrives in all climates if grown indoors, and on all types of soil. It is used in human diet and folk medicine at least 5.000 years. Bael Fruit is rich in fiber, calcium, B vitamins and vitamin A. The fruit pulp contains 2.9 grams of fibre, 85mg of calcium, 1.2mg of vitamin B2 and 91 IU vitamin A per 100 grams. Its pulp and the juice is the most effective natural medicine against the scorching heat of summers.  Bael is often cultivated near the temples because it represents sacred tree in Hinduism.
Bael Fruit, (Aegle marmelos), bel also spelled Bael, also called Bengal quince, tree of the family Rutaceae, cultivated for its fruit. The plant is native to India and Bangladesh and has naturalized throughout much of Southeast Asia . The unripe fruit, sliced and sun-dried, is traditionally used as a remedy for dysentary and other digestive ailments. The ripe fruit is sweet, aromatic, and cooling. The tree’s wood is yellowish white and hard but not durable. Bears strong spines and alternate compound leaves with three leaflets. The sweet-scented white flowers are borne in panicle clusters and are sometimes used in perfumes. The fruit is pyriform (pear-shaped) to oblong in shape and 5–25 cm (2–10 inches) in diameter. It has a very hard woody gray or yellow rind and sweet, thick, orange-colored pulp.
Outdoors: Zones 10-12
Bael Germination:
1) Soak seeds for 12 hours.
2) Use a heated propagator to keep the soil at appx. 85-90 degrees F at all times. 
3) Use a 50% sand, mixed with 50% well draining seed starting mix for optimal germination. 
4) Dig a hole, 2-inches deeper in the soil for sowing seed. Water it regularly to keep moist at all times, but make sure not to overwater as it will rot the seeds. Mulch the soil with some dried leaves to conserve its moisture. Or, use a piece of plastic with a few small holes cut in it to maintain High Humidity. 
5) Germination is erratic as with any tropical seeds, so don't toss out any that don't sprout first as they will all sprout at different times. Some may sprout within 1-3 weeks, but expect most of them to sprout anytime between 4-6 weeks as long as they are provided optimal conditions.
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Germinación de Bael:
1) Remoje las semillas durante 12 horas.
2) Use un propagador calentado para mantener la tierra a aproximadamente 85-90 grados F en todo momento.
3) Use 50% de arena, mezclada con 50% de mezcla de semillas con buen drenaje para una germinación óptima.
4) Cave un hoyo, 2 pulgadas más profundo en la tierra para sembrar las semillas. Riéguela regularmente para mantenerla húmeda en todo momento, pero asegúrese de no regar en exceso ya que pudrirá las semillas. Cubra la tierra con algunas hojas secas para conservar su humedad. O use un trozo de plástico con algunos agujeros pequeños cortados para mantener una humedad alta.
5) La germinación es errática como con cualquier semilla tropical, así que no deseche ninguna que no brote primero ya que todas brotarán en diferentes momentos. Algunas pueden brotar en 1 a 3 semanas, pero espere que la mayoría brote en cualquier momento entre 4 y 6 semanas, siempre que se les proporcionen condiciones óptimas. 
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