If a record cleaning machine (with a vacuum) have tanks that whose drains are easily clogged resulting the accumulation of dirt and grim. This kit cleans the tanks and removes the dirt and grim. (Seen in photos 3 (before) and 4(after)). Our product chemically breaks down the dirt and grim, unclog the tank's drain and leaving your tank clean!

Regular users: Use the product once a year.
Heavy users: Use product every six month.


Commercial quantities available .

Instructions :

1.         Pour a cup of warm tap water into your vacuum site then drain it.

2.        Carefully add solution 1 into the vacuum site. Add a tablespoon of tap water (to wash down the liquid) & let it work its magic for 30 minutes.

3.        Add regular tap water and drain.

4.        Carefully add solution 2 into the machine & let it work for 2-3 minutes.

5.         Drain the unit and you are ready to use it

·       *Avoided contact with any metal parts .

·       **This solution contains neutralizer and disinfectant agent that kills the bad germs it is safe to use it on the outer part of the Machin

Use safety gloves provided with the kit

Safety Information

*The sodium hydroxide dissolves organic material, like hair and grease. This is a highly effective chemical, but as with commercial drain cleaner, you need to follow safety instructions. Sodium hydroxide can burn your skin and evolve caustic vapors.

Do not mix with anything 

wear gloves and avoid handling sodium hydroxide or putting unprotected hands in the water after adding this product. Make sure air circulation in the room is good and avoid using more product than you need. While you could simply pour sodium hydroxide in your drain, it's much safer for you and your plumbing to mix it with water first to dilute it. Not that you would, but don't drink it or leave it where children or pets might get into it. Avoid inhaling the fumes. Basically, follow the safety precautions listed on the container.