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1977 February Cycle Vintage Motorcycle Magazine Yamaha XS360-2D Kawasaki KZ1000

Road Tests
28 Kawasaki KZ1000
Bigger, heavier, faster, better. Especially better.
52 Hercules 250 Enduro
The bike has talent; the bike has problems.
81 Yamaha XS360-2D
Ma! They took away the center-stand! (Shut up, kid.)
34 Beyond Racer Road: The California Hot Rod
The rewards and otherwise of rolling your own. By Cook Neilson
76 Winner!
John Harvey bags a real truck with a fake motorcycle.
99 Product Evaluation: The Camber Fairing
Maybe those touring guys know something.
By Phil Schilling.
108 Off To War on an Ital Jet 50
A little imagination doesn't hurt. By Cook Neilson.
40 Biting the Magnaflux Bullet
Think of it as cheap insurance. By Cook Neilson.
48 KawasakiZ1/KZ1000ChassisTune
Improvement? Yes. Perfection? Not quite.
By Gordon Jennings.
72 How Things Work: Helmets
For starters, you put it on your head.
By Gordon Jennings.
89 Shocks: The Last Technical Frontier
>4 close look at three that work. By Dave Holeman.
4 Editorial/Some-Awards They Missed/Cook Neilson
6 Letters/How High is Up?
12 The Duct Tapes/No Doubt About a Bow/EdHertfelder
14 Tips/Blackened Jacket
16 Pipeline/The Tire War
22 Road Test Index
26 Bits/They’re Selling in Africa
44 Book Review / The Story of Triumph / Phil Schilling
118 Classified Ads/Goods and services new and used
121 Readers Service/How to find what you saw and liked
122 Newsline/Maybe these’llhelp
• relax, everyone. Kawasaki's raucous, enhanced without having lost any of that
rambunctious Z-1 needed to have some old-time, arm-straightening performance,
of its bristles trimmed; the deed has been More pieces have been changed than
done and the transmuted article actually were left the same, but the King of Su-
is an improvement over the original. The perblkes still wears the crown.
Z-1 has gained 20 pounds in becoming Much of the impetus for a major rework
Kawasaki s new KZ1000, has lost a pair of of the big Kawasaki four was provided by
mufflers, has fought its weight gain to a the steady lowering of statutory noise
draw with a four-millimeter cylinder over- limits. A motorcycle emits noise from a
bore, has had both its engine and chassis number of sources other than its exhaust
stiffened and rebalanced, has acquired a pipes: gear whine, piston slap, the click of
new seat, and has emerged from the cam lobes against followers and even
transmutation quieter, smoother, more bearing rumble make contributions to the
comfortable and even socio-ecologically total noise emission. The old Z-1 tested at
about 84 dB(A) and It's entirely possible
that Kawasaki could have corked it down
to around 80 decibels with a new set of
mufflers. We re glad they didn’t try: had
they subtracted from the bike's exhaust
note alone that would have left us with a
big earful of clicks, whines, clacks and
rumbles, and an engine so constipated its
performance edge would be nothing but a
sad memory
What Kawasaki did, in, making a quiet
KZ1000 out of the clattery, chattery Z-1,
was to go for a reduction in the kind of
noise motorcyclists don't want to hear in...

And much more!

mb3252s-1995g 13354s-2055g 16341