These dried, flaked chillies are an ingredient familiar to most of us nowadays, and are an essential part of any pantry. This is such a versatile spice, which can be used as and when required for a fruity, fresh flavour and a nice chilli kick.  Chilli flakes can be used as a table condiment, or when infused with olive oil they can be used to drizzle on pizzas and added to salad dressings – real chilli lovers will also love this as a dip for warm bread! 

In cooking,  they work really well with any grilled or roasted foods – try sprinkling them over vegetables before roasting, for example.  A perfect all-purpose dried chilli.

The spicy taste of Red Chilli Pepper Flakes is due to its seeds, which are not removed but dried as part of the mixture. Crushed Red Chilli pepper shakers have become a standard on tables at Mediterranean restaurants and especially pizza parlours around the world. You can also use crushed red pepper to make chili oil by steeping the flakes in hot oil along with other spices like ginger and garlic.You can also make a decent hot sauce.

Combines well with Oregano, Marjoram, Basil, Parsley, Garlic and Pepper.