La señora March/ Mrs. March, Paperback by Feito, Virginia, ISBN 8426409652, ISBN-13 9788426409652, Brand New, Free shipping in the US

<b>LA PATRICIA HIGHSMITH ESPA&Ntilde;OLA<br><br>Uno de los mejores Libros y Autores del a&ntilde;o (<i>Library Journal</i> y <i>The Times</i>), en las listas de m&aacute;s vendidos, que sedujo a los libreros estadounidenses y a Elisabeth Moss, quien encarnar&aacute; a la protagonista en la gran pantalla</b><br><br>&laquo;Un brillante thriller psicol&oacute;gico de una escritora que llega a la altura de las grandes autoras que evoca, como Du Maurier&raquo;. - <i>The Guardian<br></i><br>La &uacute;ltima novela de George March es un gran &eacute;xito, y nadie se enorgullece tanto de ello como su devota esposa, la se&ntilde;ora March, que lleva una vida exquisitamente ordenada en el Upper East Side.<br><br>Una ma&ntilde;ana cualquiera, mientras se dispone a comprar el pan de aceitunas en su pasteler&iacute;a favorita, la dependienta insin&uacute;a que la protagonista del nuevo libro de George parece inspirada en ella. Este comentario casual le arrebata la certeza de saberlo todo sobre su marido -y sobre ella misma-. As&iacute; empieza un viaje alucinado y alucinante que puede desvelar un asesinato y secretos sepultados durante demasiado tiempo.<br><br><b>ENGLISH DESCRIPTION<br><br>Who is Mrs. March?</b><br><br>George March&rsquo;s latest novel is a smash. No one could be prouder than his dutiful wife, Mrs. March, who revels in his accolades. A careful creature of routine and decorum, she lives a precariously controlled existence on the Upper East Side until one morning, when the shopkeeper of her favorite patisserie suggests that her husband&rsquo;s latest protagonist&#8213;a detestable character named Johanna&#8213;is based on Mrs. March herself. Clutching her ostrich leather pocketbook and mint-colored gloves, she flees the shop. What could have merited this humiliation?<br><br>That one casual remark robs Mrs. March of the belief that she knew everything about her husband&#8213;and herself&#8213;thus sending her on an increasingly paranoid journey that begins within the pages of a book. While snooping in George&rsquo;s office, Mrs. March finds a newspaper clipping about a missing woman. Did George have anything to do with her disappearance? He&rsquo;s been going on a lot of &ldquo;hunting trips&rdquo; up north with his editor lately, leaving Mrs. March all alone at night with her tormented thoughts, and the cockroaches that have suddenly started to appear, and strange breathing noises . . . As she begins to decode her husband&rsquo;s secrets, her deafening anxiety and fierce determination threaten everyone in her wake&#8213;including her stoic housekeeper, Martha, and her unobtrusive son, Jonathan, whom she loves so profoundly, when she remembers to love him at all.<br><br>Combining a Hitchcockian sensibility with wickedly dark humor, Virginia Feito, a brilliantly talented and, at times, mischievous newcomer, offers a razor-sharp exploration of the fragility of identity. A mesmerizing novel of psychological suspense and cas insecurity turned full-blown neurosis, Mrs. March will have you second-guessing your own seemingly familiar reflection in the mirror.<br><br>&ldquo;I read Virginia&rsquo;s novel in one sitting and was so captured by it I knew I had to make it and play Mrs. March. As a character, she is fascinating, complex, and deeply human and I can&rsquo;t wait to sink my teeth into her.&rdquo; &#8213;Elisabeth Moss