After when a woman reaches puberty her body releases an egg and forms a uterus lining in order to make her get ready for pregnancy.

If she doesn’t conceive this uterus lining sheds by itself in the form of blood after every 28 days. This blood flow occurs from 3 to 5 days.

The lining again reforms itself and the cycle continues till she reaches the menopause stage at about 50 years of age. The flow of blood roughly falls between 4 to 12 teaspoons.

More than this amount causes loss of blood in her body and she ultimately has to face the related consequences.


Gynecure capsules are the perfect solution as irregular menstruation herbal treatment since these contain a list of ayurvedic herbs taken from plants and are indeed in their purest form.

The women are therefore assured of getting the positive outcomes within just a few months without facing any consequences. These capsules are certainly the best solution and thus have gained so much of popularity in this regard.


Do Gynecure capsules cause any side effects?

The presence of herbal ingredients in the making of Gynecure capsules ensures that the women will not be facing any form of side effects even if they are following some other prescribed medication, or take this irregular menstruation herbal treatment for a longer duration.

How long do I need to take this irregular menstruation herbal treatment to get positive outcomes?

Since you are going to get the herbal benefits of Gynecure capsules taking them for the rest of your life isn’t mandatory.

We recommend you taking this irregular menstruation herbal treatment for about 3 or 4 months and we guarantee you notice significant benefits within, though there are still chances that your body might show slower or faster results depending upon the lifestyle you follow and your tendency to get recovered.

How to take this irregular menstruation herbal treatment?

Take 1 or 2 capsules of Gynecure with plain water two times every day for approximately 12 to 16 weeks.

What should be the diet during the course of this irregular menstruation herbal treatment?

Though your body is going to get the ultimate solution in which this type of cure will fulfill all your nutritional deficiencies, it is not mandatory to follow a strict lifestyle.

If you still bother for this it would be best to have fresh fruits and vegetables with no added synthetic color or preservatives. Avoid having alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and smoking if you do and drink plenty of water the whole day.