1728 RARE Catholic German BIBLE Sacra Biblia Dietenberger anti Luther FOLIO


An incredibly rare 18th-century German Holy Bible. Following the Protestant Reformation, most Bibles published in Germany were printed from a Lutheran perspective, edited and translated from those originally established by Martin Luther. However, a select number of Catholic ministers remained devout through their careers, including 16th-century theologian Johann Dietenberger.


Johann Dietenberger, a Catholic peer of Luther, published a German translation of the Bible and took the majority of his New Testament from Emser’s edition. Notably, this edition was highly criticized by Martin Luther. This rare Dietenberger Bible was published in 1728.


Item number: #21340

Price: $950


Holy Bible


Sacra Biblia das ist: Die gantze Heilige Schrifft, Altes und Neues Testaments


Nürnberg und Franckfurth: Zu finden bei Johann Christoph Lochnern, Buchhändlern, 1728.


·       Collation:

o   Old Testament – [48], 1018 (i.e., 1020)

§  5 engraved plates

o   New Testament – 298 (i.e., 288)

§  19 engraved plates

·       Language: German

·       Binding: Leather; tight and secure

·       Size: ~14.75in X 9in X 4.75in (37.5cm x 23cm x 12cm)


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