Table of Contents

Porter’s Floating “Chowder Pots” Below New Orleans
By Matthew T. Beazley

Ship Island, Mississippi: Versatile Key to the Gulf
By Neil P. Chatelain

The Wounds of Andrew Hull Foote
By Gary McQuarrie

Naval Illustrators: Artwork of a Naval Historian: Drawing the Civil War Navy
By Donald L. Canney

From the Naval Archives: Navy Mascots and Pets
By Ron Field

From the Naval Archives: A Consequential Incident at Drewry’s Bluff
By Guy R. Hasegawa

Naval Bookshelf: The Boys of Bath: The Civil War Diary of Pvt. Charles Brother, USMC
Reviewed by David Ekardt

Naval Bookshelf: Day by Day Through the Civil War in Georgia 
Reviewed by William Dyer

Naval Valor: Seaman David L. Bass
By Ron Field

Arlington Cemetery Roll of Honor: Lee of Virginia
By Jim Quinlan