1950's High School annual with great photographs and text showing the students and faculty, activities and sports, candids and graphics, pictures of school and surrounding. And including student and future famed rock and roll era singer Pat Boone who appears in class, clubs, and sports. Great photography and period design.  

Pat Boone s an American singer and actor who was a successful pop singer in the United States during the 1950s and early 1960s, selling more than 45 million records, with 38 Top 40 hits, and appearing in more than 12 Hollywood films. Boone was the second-biggest charting artist of the late 1950s, behind only Elvis Presley, and was ranked at No. 9 in its listing of the Top 100 Top 40 Artists 1955–1995. Boone held a Billboard record for spending 220 consecutive weeks on the charts with one or more songs each week. At the age of 23, he began hosting a half-hour ABC variety television series, The Pat Boone Chevy Showroom, which aired 1957–1960. Musical performers like Edie Adams, Andy Williams Pearl Bailey, and Johnny Mathis made early appearances on the show. His cover versions of Rhythm and blues hits had a noticeable effect on the development of the broad popularity of rock and roll. Elvis Presley was the opening act for a 1955 Pat Boone show in Cleveland, Ohio. Some of Boone's hits include Love Letters in the Sand, Long Tall Sally, Tutti Frutti, Ain't That a Shame, Moody River, April Love, I Almost Lost My Mind, Speedy Gonzales, Don't Forbid Me, Chains of Love, and others. In 1997, Boone released In a Metal Mood: No More Mr. Nice Guy, a collection of heavy metal covers, which got radio play, baffled listeners and turned off his Christian following. Later he was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame. Boone also appeared in such films as Journey to the Center of the Earth, The Cross and the Switchblade, and Salute to the Teenagers. 

Excellent Condition hardback issue with tight binding and text and clean pages; with no must or mildew or smoke effects. Clean and Solid.

Great rarity giving an early look at the life and times of a rock and roll anomaly.  

Email or call for any details. Spanky's Archive, since 1986. 

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