1994 High School Yearbook with great photographs and text showing the students, faculty, activities, sports, literature, classmate inscriptions, graphics, pictures of school and surrounding, and local  advertisement. Including young high school varsity basketball captain Paul Pierce in four clear pictures, three in basketball. Great condition, beautiful photos and period design.

Paul Pierce spent fifteen years of his career with the Boston Celtics, who drafted him with the 10th overall in 1998. He became Celtics captain and made ten All-star selections. After nine seasons of leading the Celtics as their sole star player, Pierce combined with Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen in 2007  that together led Boston to the NBA Finals in 2008 and 2010, and Eastern FInals in 2012, winning the 2008 NBA Championship and was awarded the Finals MVP. Pierce is one of only three players, alongside Larry Bird and John Havlicek to score over 20,000 points in their career with the Celtics alone. He holds the Celtics' record for most three-point field goals made and also ranks third in team history in games played, second in points scored (26,397), seventh in total rebounds, fifth in total assists, and first in total steals. His nickname, "The Truth", was given him by Shaquille O'Neal in 2001. Many in the NBA have said that Pierce had the best footwork in the league, which showed in isolation plays, and the volume of trips to the free-throw line. 

Excellent condition hardback issue with tight binding and text and clean pages, with no must or mildew or missing pieces. Solid.  

Great rarity giving a true look at the early life and times of a Celtics great--Just waiting for a good home.

Email or call for any details. Spanky's Archive, since 1986. 

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