Loaded with Vitamins, Mango Leaves are Full of Benefits; Here’s How to Consume Them


1. Reduce blood pressure

Hypotensive properties present in mango leaves help in the lowering of blood pressure. “They help in strengthening the blood vessels and treating the problem of varicose veins,” as per NDTV Food report.

Use: The leaves are to be dried and powdered or used as an infusion. Soak the leaves overnight in a cup of water. Strain it and drink it in the morning.

2. Bring down diabetes

Tannins, a bitter-tasting organic substance present in some galls, barks, and other plant tissues, consisting of derivatives of gallic acid, are found in the tender leaves of a mango tree. This tannin called anthocyanins has the ability to reduce the risk of early diabetes.

Use: The same recipe to bring down blood pressure can be followed here too.

3. Treats kidney stones

A particular amount of dried mango leaves intake will help in breaking and flushing out kidney stones and gall bladder stones. But this can work at the early stage only.

Use: Take in finely powdered dry mango leaves soaked in a tumbler of water overnight to see the magic.


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