Our Root Chakra Candles are handpoured and made with the set intention of unblocking your Root Chakra. Thefoundation of the physical structure of the body. Root meaning “base” or “support”.


Made by hand with pure soy wax, NagChampa, Vetiver, Sandalwood & Cinnamon Patchouli essential oils,Bloodstone, Red Jasper, Garnet, Tigers Eye & Obsidian Crystals. These candleswill give you 50 - 60 hours burn time and are 8 oz.


The metaphysical properties of theoils, crystals and botanicals are exotic & earthy, blended to work togetherto unblock your Root Chakra, connecting you to the earth and helping you tohave energy and self-confidence rather than arrogance or fear, and you feelcalm, centered and ready for what life brings. This red chakra promotes a feelingof connectedness to the earth and is very primal, holding vibrations ofsurvival and basic drives like hunger and safety. We designed this candle tohelp clear the path for you to move forward in your life, become more groundedand secure to handle anything you may encounter. The Root Chakra represents yourability to be grounded to Mother Earth.


Each candle is hand craftedtherefore colors & crystal size or shape may vary. I include descriptivenote cards in every order with details about each crystal inside your candleand their metaphysical properties.                                                                                                   


When your candle is done burning,you can carefully remove the crystals with tweezers or a small spoon. Rinsethem in warm water to remove the wax.


Important Candle Care Information:

• Always Trim Your Wick to1/4" Before Candle is Lit

• Burn Candle So Wax Pool Reachesthe Jar Edge Each Time to Prevent Wax Tunneling

• Burn Candle No More Than 4 Hoursat a Time

• Keep Candle Away from Fans, OpenWindows, Hot Surfaces, Children, & Pets

• Never Leave a Burning CandleUnattended

• Extinguish Candle if Flame Getstoo High or Flickers, then Allow to Cool Before Relighting

• Vessel Will Be Hot to Touch

• Cease Burning when Candle HasReached 1/2" of Wax

• Over-Burning Candle Can Resultin Glass Breaking