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Late Bottled Vintage Port

0,75l - 129,00 Euro   -   1,0l - 172,00 Euro

Taylor's Port - since 1692


For many, Taylor's is the archetype of a Port house, its wine the epitome of Port



Late Bottled Vintage


Late Bottled Vintage, or LBV, is the most popular premium port in England and Canada - accounting for one-fifth of all port sales to the U.K. and one-quarter of all port in Canada.


Like Vintage Port, LBV is prepared from a selection of particularly fine, full-bodied red ports from a single vintage. The fundamental difference between the two styles lies in their maturity. Vintage Port is aged in casks for only about twenty months and then bottled, where it continues to age for a long time.


Late Bottled Vintage, on the other hand, as the name suggests, is bottled late, usually after four to six years of barrel aging, during which time it can fully develop and round out. Because it is bottled already ripe for consumption and clearly filtered, LBV does not need to be stored or decanted and can be served by the glass for several weeks after opening the bottle.


LBV is a high-quality, lower-priced alternative to Vintage Port, an exquisite port wine ripe for enjoyment every day. The style was developed in 1970 by Taylor's current chief executive, Alistair Robertson.


Today, many other houses prepare their own version of this beautiful port wine style. But Taylor's LBV - the original Late Bottled Vintage - remains the benchmark of the category and the first choice of connoisseurs among port drinkers.

Der Portwein wird fachgerecht gelagert (Etikett, Kapsel und Füllstand siehe Fotos). Weine reifen mit dem Alter und es kommt zu geschmackliche Veränderungen. Entsprechend gibt es aufgrund des Alters keine Garantie mehr ob und wie schmackhaft / trinkbar der Wein noch ist. Das Geschmacksrisiko trägt ausschließlich der Käufer.


Der Wein enthält Sulfite und Alkohol. Der Wein ist für Schwangere und Minderjährige nicht geeignet.

Wein kann Allergene enthalten.



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Bitte lassen Sie den Wein nach dem Transport ein wenig ruhen damit sich das Depot wieder absetzen kann.

Wir empfehlen daher den Wein erst einmal 2-3 Wochen im Weinkeller liegend zu lagern.