1915 Riverview Military School Annual with photographs and text showing the students and faculty, activities, sports, class prophecy, cartoons, graphics, pictures of school and surrounding, and local advertisement. Includes team pictures of football, basketball, and baseball. Students are pictured indidivually, in clubs, and sports. Fraternities include Sigma Delta Phi and Kappa Zeta Phi. Great condition and beautiful vintage design!

Photographed students include:c. coulter de klyn, ray cunningham, l. harold morgan, gilbert foote, laurence crooks, edward schwartz, mark r. sullivan, carleton lattin, elliott smith, thomas parker, harry cleveland, persiani, longo, skip mccarthy, joe murillo, george gleason, waldo palmer, baltus van kleeck, j. hunting otis, franklyn poucher, arthur mills, charles lumb, jonathan rider, earl kesten, harold morgan, merrill moore,

Photographed faculty includes: clement gaines, frank wheeler, h. d. lighty, m. d. stilwell, g. g. sawyer, e. a. jesser, c. l. tappin, r. c. waite, w. s. dorsey, r. w. burch, and captain l. s. hyatt.

Local Advertisement includes: Smith Brothers Restaurant and Soda Fountain, Schrauth's Ice Cream, The Nelson House Hotel, Pierce Ambler Books, Elting's Clothes Store, E. W. Cundy Kodaks and Supplies, Belle Mead Sweets, Dutchess Trousers, Edmund Wolven Portrait Photography, Poughkeepsie Cap and Transfer Co, Frank Van KLeeck Hats and Caps, P. C. Doherty Plumbing, Courtney's Laundry, Moore Brothers Smart Shoes, Warner's Barber Shop, William T. Reynolds Pure Food Products, Luckey and PLatt MEn's Shop, CHarles Hickok Music and Victrola Store, The PEacock Shop Tea Room, Edward Ryan Motor Cycles and Bicycles, Stephen Folger Jewelry, William Nolen Tutoring, C. H. Perkins Optometry, P. B. Martell Nelson House Barber Shop, and others ................

Good condition issue with tight binding and text and clean pages, complete with no water or smoke effects, and mild age wear to the cover..    

Excepional rarity giving a true historic look at Phoughkeepsie New York and the promising young men from Riverview during the Woodrow Wilson World War One years. Just waiting for a good home.

Email or call for any details. Spanky's Archive, since 1986. 

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